Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Election Day Dawns? MSM Says Time To Explore Those Sales!

First thought this morning was that it is election day. I remember two years ago I had the same thought and as I turned on the TV the newspaper screamed 'historic' at me and the friendly crew of the Early Show stated that at long last the ugly season of Republican campaigning was over.

This morning they are discussing, in depth, special online sales and deals and the common cold. Last night the evening news had an in-depth discussion about teenage sex and the expected outcome. My, how two years cools the ardor of the marketeers of the party of the left.

ABC, this morning is tackling 'Look and Cook', home improvement and infidelity. NBC is toughing it out with babies that can read, civility and bargains for 'Todays Kitchen.'

Appropriate for election day CBS is fawning over a "Dream Job" for a gentleman who wants to cook. In the Caribbean. Paradise Island. Nassau. A member of the British Commonwealth.

That's historic?