Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Lizard Head, With Class, States Democrat Fears

The Democrats wanted to use the race card to their advantage and it became the wild card that has gone out of control and they're worried. So worried they push out their favorite junk yard dog, Mister James Carville, to try and take Obama down because Obama hasn't been following the Democrat script of being the party of race not the party that elects race except where it benefits the Democrat Party.

"The Republicans will eat him alive" is what the Clinton campaign is telling the superdelegates. Hillary is the tougher of the two, the candidate you want on your side in a knife fight, a gender reversal that prompts Carville to indulge in some ribald humor: "If she gave him one of her cojones, they'd both have two."

Besides implying that the title Ms is a misnomer in this race, Carville implies that Obama can't go for the kill. Saying someone from Chicago can't kill is like saying someone from Las Vegas can't play poker. An anamoly for sure.

The race card for the Democrats has become the high card in their dead-man's hand and it may just kill them in this election. By not sticking to the script Obama has cornered the Clinton-Democrat Party. If Hillary gets the super delegate vote, the democrats could lose significant numbers of betrayed black voters causing them to lose the White House as well as down ticket. If the Clinton-Democrats cave, well, the Democrats have a candidate so damaged as to be considered congenitally so, they lose again, but this time they lose so bad it will make McGovern look good.

One could say the Democrat's chickens are coming home to roost.

ht to Gateway Pundit