Tuesday, December 04, 2007

OECD Forcasts Arrival Of Chicken Little

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has issued a dire report. 60 years may not be enough time to race inland before the tsunami hits and man has shown a propensity to not be adaptable to change unlike dinosaurs.
Warming risks listed by population, costs
Report: 150 million people, $35 trillion in assets vulnerable by 2070

As for the cost of inaction, the report states that "(Hurricane) Katrina and New Orleans demonstrates how significant these consequences might be — 1,500 deaths, evacuation of 700,000 people, with hundreds of thousands still displaced two years on, massive flood damage from which recovery is still ongoing, and the global shock to the oil price.

"New Orleans may never fully recover and another
major hurricane landfall could trigger further decline or even total abandonment," the report adds.

No mention of levees. No mention of a city below sea level. No mention of a city and state government that blamed their incompetence on the the federal government and anybody else they could think of. Of course my money is on the heavy drinker because even Nagin doesn't have the nerve to screw up Bourbon Street. If Galatoire's had opened on Atlantis, they'd still be open for business.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is the same group that:
[E]conomists at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development blamed obesity in Bermuda on Coco Pops (yes, the breakfast cereal).

I'm hiding my Frosted Flakes from these people.