Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The reality of unreal reality.

I often hear or read statements representing a person's thoughts and have wondered how such a statement could have been made given the facts available. Was the statement made to pander to a group of like-minded people, was it made to engender shock or anger or was it just plain stupidity.

This may be an answer:

That is one of the incredibly wonderful aspects of psychological
denial. In the vacuous recesses of their own minds, those who deny reality have
managed to convince themselves that they are "reality-based". One might
justifiably ask them why they have an almost obsessive need to so aggressively
tout their connection to reality, like some sort of celebrity name-dropper
expecting to increase his stature in the eyes of the world: "Oh, btw, did you
know that I'm reality-based?"

Sadly for them, just because one repeatedly claims a close connection
to the Big R, does not prove anything one way or the other; nor does it absolve
the boaster of providing the requisite evidence to back up their claim. Feelings
won't do, I'm afraid; though it is often to those arguments of emotion that the
denier will ultimately resort when impeded in his quest to avoid

What part of "We want to kill you, we have killed many times and now we are getting better ways and weapons to do so, because we hate you, your culture, your religion and everything you represent. And we have God on our side." does the reality-based community not understand?