Friday, May 25, 2012

The Left's War On Women

The reaction is largely heartening. But I don't see it having a long-term effect, wherein we all rally around Cupp to improve the level of discourse. That's because incidents like this happen with such frequency and casualness that it's clear people think there won't be any pushback if they attack a conservative woman. Back in 2008, when some idiot hecklers shouted “Iron My Shirt” to Hillary Clinton, we talked about sexism for three days. But, like Weigel pointed out, no one at the AFL-CIO even thought twice about not only GETTING a piñata with Nikki Haley’s face on it or hitting said piñata, but similarly had no problem recording the event and UPLOADING IT TO YOUTUBE. If you do something sexist against a liberal, expect a firestorm. If you do something sexist (or pseudo-violent) against a conservative, well, they had it coming.

The irony is the left really doesn't see the irony.