Friday, March 26, 2010

All Across The Land, Health Care Dropped, Lowered, Shares Less Valuable

My wife's company (a nonprofit) is already lowering health insurance benefits starting today. My company, which I own, will no longer offer health insurance, because we looked at not only the current cost, but the future costs and also what the government will have to do to even come close to our covering costs. The government has abandoned small business such as mine.

The government can't cover these costs. That was their plan from the onset of  this foolish bill. Their goal was socialized medicine from the beginning. They sought to force people onto their plan.

Socialized before or socialized after. Doesn't matter. Obama makes Edward Longshanks look good.

Obama is killing my business. Obama sucks.

UPDATE: In my haste I forgot to say that multi-millionaire Nancy Pelosi also sucks. I had to tell, after a discussion with my accountant, tax advisor and lawyer, that I could no longer cover a single mother of two,  a 62 year old grandmother, 3 college student part-time workers and one of my sisters with health insurance.

Health care reform, a law that will hurt you. If I get any more help from the federal government I will probably go broke.