Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nerdic Terrorism?

Let's see, a lonely nerd gets lonely and decides to blow up a plane?

Crazy, I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely,
I'm crazy, crazy for feelin' so blue......

Crazy, I'm crazy for fruit of the loom
I'm crazy for tryin' and crazy for cryin'
I'm crazy to make you go boom

Web Posts Suggest Depressed, Lonely Terror Suspect
Those posts, beginning in 2005, show a teenager looking for a new life outside his boarding school and wealthy Nigerian family.

Most of all, they paint a portrait of someone who seems lost and needs someone to hear him.

The postings seem hastily written and are replete with spelling and grammar errors. In one, on Jan 28. 2005, he wrote: "i am in a situation where i do not have a friend, i have no one to speak too, no one to consult, no one to support me and i feel depressed and lonely. i do not know what to do."

Hug a nerd and save the world.