IF any Republicans start using fascist thought, and especially fascist programs, Democrats will be able to rightfully rejoice that Republicans have seen their light and are on the path of truth, equality and justice, Democrat style.
In his book 'Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning' , Jonah Goldberg rightfully points out that socialism's twin is fascism and the path Democrats and liberals in American have embarked is 'soft fascism.' That socialism is the father of liberalism is undeniable, but it appears that the most offensive quality of Hitler and Mussolini is that they used military tactics as a method to streamline and manage those who disagreed with them. Here in America, liberal fascists just marginalize those that disagree as 'Red Staters' who are dumb hicks who are to be ridiculed and dismissed from the 'real' political process.
Kill'em cold or cold shoulder murder, it doesn't matter, liberal fascism wins, but only if liberal fascists continue the mantra that Republicans are the REAL fascists, not them.