Sunday, April 13, 2008

Where In The World Is Dick Celeste?

Once the Punjab plenipotentiary and before that Celeste was the esteemed governor of the state of Ohio. Just as India is defined by rivers so is Ohio. Coincidence? Dunno. Don't care.

Another coincidence is that after Celeste left each position things improved.

Now Dick Celeste is president of the Colorado Springs' Colorado College where humor is dangerous unless vetted by liberals, i.e., professional educators who warn us not to try education at home because their work is done on a closed course by trained professionals.

Joking students called on the carpet
The pair at Colorado College are rebuked over a feminist-newsletter parody seen as threatening.

OH MY GOD, NOT PARODY! Parody scares feminists. Being scared makes feminists angry. When said parody is mixed with chainsaws and guns, well that is just downright threatening. Scary. Angry. Time for Dick.

Dick knows about feminists. Think Dagmar. Dagmar hates Dick. Dagmar was so angry she went and made herself a Catholic bishop. As she broke water, Dagmar thanked mother God and Harvey Milk.

This explains why Dick runs when confronted by feminists.