Sunday, December 02, 2007

Get Lost, It's Not Your School District Uncle Sam

People like Harkin, Reid and Pelosi don't know what local control means in the United States Of America. Either that or they don't care, much like they thumb their noses at the 10th Amendment and try to hold it up as a barrier to nirvana on earth.

That's why they are liberals, they believe the federal government is smarter than a bunch of meddlesome citizens in fly over country.

I can hear them now, "It's all for the children."

Effort to Limit Junk Food in Schools Faces Hurdles
Federal lawmakers are considering the broadest effort ever to limit what
children eat: a national ban on selling candy, sugary soda and salty, fatty food
in school snack bars, vending machines and cafeteria lines.

I'd rather locally put up with Mabel the librarian and Elmer the blowhard that both know more than anybody else in town than, by law, have to put up with a bunch of government bureaucrats that have never seen our town. I really dislike the unseen, unelected and all too powerful bureaucracy. If you cut their workforce by 40% all you would have is a start of whittling away at the pervasive job redundancy within federal bureaucracies.

I think we had a revolution, help me here, over absentee rule, not that these arrogant morons in Washington DC care.