Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just Like Nazi's, Penn Nat Gaming & Cianbro Want to Control Private Lives

Companies ban smoking on work site, nearby park and public land not part of work site.
Slots construction site bans smoking
A three-page handout distributed to workers at the site last week
indicates that a $50 fine will be assessed to anyone "using tobacco products on
the site proper, the roundhouse lot, trailer row, from the Best Inn to McDonalds, and from the Penobscot River to Irving’s [including the upper Dutton Street parking lot]."

To avoid being fined, workers who smoke must leave that designated
area during their half-hour lunch break or two 15-minute coffee

Burton said that Cianbro’s hard line on smoking is part of its
award-winning wellness program, which according to published reports has yielded measurable improvements in employees’ approaches to such health risks as tobacco use, inactivity, high cholesterol levels, pre-hypertension, stress and obesity.

Next the companies will have fellow workers policing each other or outright informing. Maybe they can also tell workers what to eat, how many children to have and what indoctrination camps the children will attend.

This is out of control. Liberals who hate corporate America are eating this up because it for "the children" or for charity or some bogus reason. Instead of a government that is a dictator, the government has created 10,000 dictators controlling our lives.

It has been called National Socialism.