Thursday, November 08, 2007

I Disagree, OMG, YouMust Be A Neocon!!

If you believe we should help Iraqis and Afghanistanis be free, you are a neocon. If you think the SCHIP legislation is too expensive and a government grab for power and influence, you are a neocon.
The Anti-Neocon Fervor
Not long ago, while visiting a friend at Oxford University, I found
myself in a heated political discussion with a Scotsman. The subject of our
dispute was the Iraq war, but the conversation turned toward the rise of latent
anti-Semitism in once-respectable quarters of British opinion. Two years
earlier, a story entitled “A Kosher Conspiracy?,” illustrated by a gold Star of
David plunged into the heart of the Union Jack, graced the cover of Britain’s
most prominent left-wing magazine, The New Statesman. Since then, the
intellectual climate had only worsened. In response to my remark that many use
the epithet “neocon” to describe Jews, my interlocutor replied, “I’d rather be
an anti-Semite than a neocon.”

If you liked the Brady Bunch, you were a neocon, even if you didn't know it! And you kissed Alice. A lot.

Via Instapundit