Monday, October 23, 2006

Issues important, yeah, but not Mt. Vernon and Knox County

Padgett began by saying she wanted to clarify the TV ads. “I was subject to
an ethics investigation, and at the end of seven months the inspector general
found the allegations were baseless and I was cleared 100 percent,” she said.
“So that’s what you can say about those TV ads.”

Padgett said she considers national security one of her highest priorities, and noted there are five issues the people are talking about — health care, the budget,
education, illegal immigration and the war on terror.

“The thing is everybody recognizes what the problems are,” Padgett said. “What we need is someone with solutions, and I believe I’m that person.”

Regarding the budget, Padgett said she believes the tax cuts are working to grow the economy across the nation, although not as well in Ohio as we’d like it to be. She said Ohio absolutely needs to catch up.

“I believe jobs are not created by the government; jobs are created by the private sector, and it’s the government’s responsibility to provide the tools and resources back to communities, back to states in order that they can create jobs locally,” Padgett said. “When we allow the entrepreneurial spirit to thrive free of the government shackles as much as possible, tax revenues increase, the nation prospers, and we’re on our way to that balanced budget,” Padgett said, adding that Congress does need to get control of spending.

As for health care, she said the affordability of health care is only part of the equation, especially in rural areas. Accessibility to health care also has a direct bearing on affordability. In rural areas patients simply cannot access the care they need, which often drives up the cost since patients are forced to seek health care many, many miles away.

McHugh read from a statement written by Zack Space for his opening address. It contained a few points Space had prepared, “because I want you to know where I stand on issues important to our community.”
So important, "our community" is, that Zack sent Tom McHugh to discuss his views. Maybe Zack was counting his million$.