The work never stops. The workers never grumble because the money is great, they just keep hammering and never ask any questions. They build stairs to nowhere. The put in doors that open to a neck breaking drop. There is no master plan outside of never stop building. Money doesn't matter. Guilt builds this house. Guilt from people never known, but the guilt of others drives a structure costing huge amounts of money to build a structure that is utterly useless except to assuage the guilt and be a monument to stupidity that others can gawk at.
The useless stairs might have a simple explanation; the stairs were likely a part of the original house that Mrs. Winchester bought, and when she started adding on to the home, she covered up the stairs. Whether it was accidentally or on purpose, Mrs. Winchester usually covered up her mistakes by just continuing to build around them. Because she had no master plan for the house, her architectural ideas didn't always work out. Since she had no deadline for completion, she'd either tear down the mistake or cover it up with something else.
Tall towers that look good, to some, but have no use other than to delight those that would never see the mess hidden by brick-a-
brack and other eye candy.
.Rooms that went on and on, some which a
visitor might not know how to get out of, while others seemed to have no purpose.
.Huge rooms with echoes of grandness which unfortunately others would never see.
The Winchester House, built ceaselessly by money others made, but expended for guilt, is the perfect example of government spending that few really understand, never think that they will bear the cost of and often only benefits those that work in the echoing halls as mere bureaucrats, legislative carpenters, and seldom helps those it is purported to be built for.
.Obama is just a new chapter in the age old fairy tale that government is 'change' that will help ordinary citizens. This change is just selfishness by those practicing it with other people's money.