The EU is aghast! Good. They're called the "old world" for a reason. And it ain't the art.
Swiss move to ban minarets
“We have our civil laws here,” insisted Mr Freysinger. “Banning minarets
would send a clear signal that our European laws, our Swiss laws, have to be
accepted. And if you want to live here, you must accept them. If you don’t, then
go back.”
"I think Swiss Muslims will be angry and bitter over this," said Reinhard
Schulze, professor of Islamic Studies at Berne University. "And we know that
anger and bitterness among a community can lead to radicalisation, even to
Or as Charles Johnson at
Little Green Footballs puts it:
Professor of Islamic studies Reinhard Schulze warns that any hint that Muslims
are not peaceful might result in violence.
Put another way, if you don't want rabid
OSU fanatics who want the law to allow babies from Michigan to be eaten in your neighborhood, simple solution, ban all
OSU games from TV, cable, radio and print. Problem solved. A Buckeye who can't watch, with almost religious hope,
OSU beat Michigan into a pulp, will move out and other Buckeyes will not move in.
Simply put,
Tressel is the imam and we answer to his call. No
Tressel, no Shoe, no Buckeye.
Do you really think Fred Thompson would allow a minaret in his town? The first
fatwah on any Americanism and he'd collapse it just by thinking it. Then his turban vision would set afire the
fatwah issuer.
By chance, is Fred Swiss?