A bag of sliders and your date is over.
Creator:W. T. Myers & Co. ; Photographer
Creation Date:1929
Place:Cincinnati, Ohio
...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
(ptoooey) PermalinkSeamless Effort
Living on the hem of the hottest outfit in the free world, I have
access to so much more than "fly-over Joe". This is a privilege. This is a
curse. Participating in pro-American activities and giving the abundant Liberal
flotsam a healthy ration of first person comeuppance makes for an unusually
gratifying daily ritual. I take special pleasure in this because I know my
patriotic brethren across this country can't feel the electrifying hum of
Washington D.C., and it is easy to let the Lame Stream Media dictate fashionable
Sometimes I take for granted the thrill of walking into a Capitol Hill
hot spot with Hunky Husband resplendent in full Officer kit, getting the stink
eye from the Liberati there assembled, and brazenly holding their glare as if to
say, "If I weren't wearing such great Choos, you and I would step outside and I
could help you wear one too." But that satisfaction comes very
dear.The next 9-11 will be catastrophic, most likely involve a bio-agent,
and Hunky Husband quite literally works three doors down from the most powerful
man largest bullseye ever conceived. What I wouldn't give to be on my forty
acres with my goats, far far away from the stench of government.
For those who feel on the fringes of influence, powerless to change
anything but the channel, know that nothing could be a bigger myth. You are here
participating in the great equalizer--the New Media. And all the sound bytes in
the world cannot compete with the viral truth at your fingertips. If we allow
one day in November to make us believe that we are helpless, the unholy alliance
between the Jihadiis and the American Left will surely tear us to shreds.
Read. Think. Preach. Blog. Vote. Pray. Dedicated Patriots can do
those things from anywhere.So let's quit whining and start stitching this
nation back together. '08 is just over the horizon and time's a wasting.Technorati
Tags: Capitol
Hill, Hunky
Husband, Jimmy
Choos, Liberati
Posted at 06:29 AM in Jane's
Addiction, Jane's
Hunky Husband, Jane's
Road Show, Politics...
Regula sees the only alternative to Bush’s plan as “just to walk away.” And if the
United States did that, he said, “it would destabilize that whole part
of the world, not just Iraq. You’d have a hotbed of terrorists taking
over the whole environment.” (emp. mine)