The Dems have been going for this for years. When they control the economy, they increase the size of government which increases their power. It's time to go after them.
Congress = OPEC?
President Bush understands this shift.
"We can help alleviate shortages by drilling for oil and gas in our own country, something I've been advocating ever since I've been the president," he said Wednesday. "I've been reminding our people that we can do so in environmentally friendly ways. And yet the Congress, the Democratically controlled Congress, now has refused to budge. It makes no sense."
He's dead right. In fact, Democrats in Congress for nearly two decades have rejected drilling for more oil, building more refineries or developing more nuclear power. Since 1990, there have been 46 attempts to boost America's energy supplies. Only Democratic opposition keeps us from having more.
Alaska's National Wildlife Reserve, for instance, holds 10 billion barrels of oil, enough for 1.5 million barrels of oil a day. That would be a 20% increase in current U.S. oil production. Slam dunk, right?
No. President Clinton refused to OK development of ANWR back in 1995. When President Bush brought it up again in 2002, he couldn't get Democrats to support it. So no oil.
Likewise, Democrats have refused to drill for our Outer Continental Shelf oil resources, an estimated 89 billion barrels of crude. Nor do they want to disturb the 1 trillion barrels of oil locked underground in shale deposits stretching across the Rocky Mountains.
It isn't just Congress. In his bid to win the presidency, Barack Obama has flip-flopped on many things, but he stands squarely with Congress' naysaying Democrats in rejecting more drilling.
Democrats have failed to live up to their promises, and now we hope the American people hold them accountable.
It was January 2007 that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made her now-infamous "Energy Independence Day" pledge. In it, she vowed to "truly declare our energy independence" by July 4, 2007.
Yet here it is a year later, and, as the Business & Media Institute notes, the price of gasoline has skyrocketed 85% to $4.09 a gallon.
You start to understand that this has been the intent all along. Democrats hate the very stuff — oil — that makes our economy and way of life possible. By doing nothing, they know prices will soar.
Just like Saudi King Abdullah, OPEC's de facto leader, who this week said Americans must "adapt to" high oil prices, Democrats want you to embrace higher prices — and lower standards of living.
That's why Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid can call coal and oil a "sickness." He actually believes it, and thinks your suffering from higher prices is therefore noble. It purges the disease — oil.
Americans today face spiraling costs for food and gasoline thanks to the Democrats' ideological nearsightedness. Higher energy costs are feeding into higher prices for everything, especially food.
Americans have to let politicians know they can't get away with ruining our economy, and that Congress' inaction is intolerable.
If you'd like more energy to fuel our economy and lower prices, we have a suggestion: Call your congressperson and tell him or her you want more energy — or you might vote for someone else. It might be the best expenditure of energy you make this year.
...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Reflection Of A Black Republican
Racism does exist in America. It isn't what we have been led to believe, but it exists.
THE POLITICS OF BLACKNESS: Black Republicans unfairly marginalized, demonized and vilified
When I was a Democrat, I never paid much attention to the negativity hurled at black Republicans. That’s probably because I never bought into the habit of gossiping about people or calling them names.
My main focus had always been about people’s deeds – whether positive or negative. I judged people by what they did, not by whom they were.
So it came as a culture shock when I switched to the Republican Party – mainly because of how other people began to treat me.
Here I was the same person, but with a different political perspective brought on by what I saw as hypocrisy in the way the black community was treated by the Democratic Party.
No longer was I “one of us.” I was now “one of them.” And then I saw the reality of viciousness. I even wrote a poem titled, “Why Do You Call Me Names?” published in 2000.
Read the rest. It is an echo of what I have heard for years. Many friends will not openly be Republican, in fact, they avoid the subject of politics completely, because they don't need the grief. A black being Republican is more afield to a Democrat than believing that Israel has a right to exist.
Talk about being disenfranchised.
THE POLITICS OF BLACKNESS: Black Republicans unfairly marginalized, demonized and vilified
When I was a Democrat, I never paid much attention to the negativity hurled at black Republicans. That’s probably because I never bought into the habit of gossiping about people or calling them names.
My main focus had always been about people’s deeds – whether positive or negative. I judged people by what they did, not by whom they were.
So it came as a culture shock when I switched to the Republican Party – mainly because of how other people began to treat me.
Here I was the same person, but with a different political perspective brought on by what I saw as hypocrisy in the way the black community was treated by the Democratic Party.
No longer was I “one of us.” I was now “one of them.” And then I saw the reality of viciousness. I even wrote a poem titled, “Why Do You Call Me Names?” published in 2000.
Read the rest. It is an echo of what I have heard for years. Many friends will not openly be Republican, in fact, they avoid the subject of politics completely, because they don't need the grief. A black being Republican is more afield to a Democrat than believing that Israel has a right to exist.
Talk about being disenfranchised.
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