...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Michael Deaver and Ronald Reagan
I didn't know Michael Deaver. The top of my stratosphere didn't touch the bottom of his.
People that I did know (and respected) not only respected Mike Deaver, but also trusted and liked him.
High praise indeed.
HT Red State
It's Cheaper Than Building A Casino
Tribes Offer Membership to Immigrants
For prices starting at $50, two nonfederally recognized Indian
tribes are offering membership to thousands of illegal immigrants, claiming they
can achieve legal status by joining the groups.But immigration authorities insist becoming a tribe member gives no protection against being deported. And immigration advocates condemn the practice, saying it defrauds immigrants of money and gives them false hope.
"You can't just decide to become a member of a tribe and all of a
sudden legalize your status," said Marilu Cabrera, a spokeswoman for U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services.In Nebraska, some people reported paying up to $1,200 to join the Kaweah Indian Nation, which became the target of a federal investigation after complaints about the tribe arose in at least five states.
Manuel Urbina, the tribe's high chief, acknowleged his group has
sold at least 10,000 tribal memberships to illegal immigrants for about $50
As usual the (non)house will win. It seems they're already up a half a mill...
I'm not.
This Ain't Petty and it Earns Hard Feelings
Via Return of the ConservativesAs expected, Earnhardt refused to allow the No. 8
to follow Dale Earnhardt Jr. to Hendrick Motorsports. Or, according to Hendrick
officials, the price was so high it didn’t make sense for Earnhardt Jr.’s new
team to buy it.So, the No. 8 that Earnhardt Jr. made famous, that was such a
part of the Earnhardt family and that had such a huge fan following will now
fall into the hands of another driver, one, presumably, with absolutely no
connection to the man who founded Dale Earnhardt Inc.Dale Earnhardt brought the No. 8 to NASCAR specifically for his son. It was the number that Earnhardt Sr.’s father, Ralph, raced on the short tracks throughout the South. It had historical and family significance when it graced the side of Earnhardt Jr.’s car.
Along with the promotional push of Budweiser, it was Earnhardt Jr. who
made the No. 8 the most famous car number in racing. In fact, it had become
arguably the third-most famous and significant car number ever, trailing only
Richard Petty’s No. 43 and Earnhardt Sr.’s No. 3.