Walker Evans
...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
BUSH MUST GO! Demonstration at Opening of Congress, 12 noon, Jan 4
'If War Crimes, Torture, and Crimes Against Humanity Are Not
Reason to Impeach, What Is?'
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On January 4, people will demonstrate at the opening of Congress. Protesters from up and down the East Coast, some dressed in orange Guantanamo torture jumpsuits, will demand that Congress investigate and hold accountable the Bush administration for criminal liability, and that the House
of Representatives immediately initiate Articles of Impeachment against Bush for
"high crimes and misdemeanors."
1. DEMONSTRATION, 12noon, Thursday, January 4 Upper Senate Park (Delaware & Constitution, just north of Capitol), Washington DC
2. "VOICES FOR IMPEACHMENT" evening program featuring DANIEL ELLSBERG, MICHAEL RATNER, JOHN NICHOLS, CINDY SHEEHAN, DEBRA SWEET, video message from GORE VIDAL, 7pm, Thursday, National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW
Millions thought they were voting against the war and the president, but the
Democratic leadership of the new Congress has declared that impeachment is off
the table.
That night at 7pm, DANIEL ELLSBERG (Pentagon Papers), MICHAEL RATNER (pres., Center for Constitutional Rights), JOHN NICHOLS, CINDY SHEEHAN, DAVID SWANSON and DEBRA SWEET will speak at a forum sponsored by
World Can't Wait. GORE VIDAL will send a video message.
Debra Sweet, National Director of World Can't Wait: "A regime as criminal as
the Bush regime should not be allowed to remain in office. This unjust war was
started on lies and has continued despite an election where millions thought
they were voting to stop it. The Democrats allow debate only on how to run the
war more effectively, and refuse to even consider impeachment. This is
unacceptable. If George Bush is not removed from office before 2008, then
everything he has done -- his doctrine of preemptive war, legalization of
torture, undermining the rule of law, and inserting fundamentalist
Christianity into the laws, culture and institutions of the country -- will
continue no matter who becomes the next president. As people of conscience
living in the U.S. we cannot allow that to happen."
Endorsers include US Green Party; Rep. Cynthia
McKinney; AfterDowningStreet.org; ImpeachBush.org; Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip
Hop Caucus; ImpeachForPeace.org; ImpeachBush.tv.
Interviews available.
http://www.worldcantwait.org/ press@worldcantwait.org
CONTACT: Connie Julian of World Can't Wait, +1-718-825-9119.
Havana, Dec 20 (Prensa Latina) During his recent visit to Cuba, esteemed US
academic Gore Vidal said the US is facing a legal, political and institutional
crisis, and he severely criticized the Bush administration.Vidal's statements were included in a special interview given during his five-day stay in Cuba, which was broadcast on Tuesday at the end of the regular Cuban
roundtable discussion broadcast.If the US people would have had a true free press and some alert media, incompetent George W.. Bush would have never been elected president, as he does not even speak well and becomes exasperated when he tries to read when his advisers are absent.
About Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Fernando Gonzalez and Antonio Guerrero, the Five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters unfairly imprisoned in the United States eight years ago, the US writer said this proved once again that his country is facing a legal, political and constitutional crisis.
The clear-thinking US academician declared that the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York provided a pretext for a coup d etat in the northern nation, the first one in history, in which a group of dishonest people, from an oil cartel, usurped State power and overthrew the Congress.
"This is something that people do not understand, because Americans have very simple minds: what they do not know or have not previously seen, does not exist. They live now in situ, but some day they will discover it, as archeologists, and that won t be at all nice," stressed Vidal.