Fox River Grove Middle School teacher Dave Warwak gave school officials an
ultimatum Monday: Go vegan, or I'll sue.
Warwak told school officials that unless the middle school served
exclusively vegan lunches, which contain no animal products, Warwak would pursue a case against the school for its violation of the Illinois school code.
"The only way I'll drop charges is if the school goes vegan," Warwak said.
Warwak also has a website where one can see the depths of his passion. It goes way beyond a casual lawsuit against his peers and students. It is a whole new future where parents have even less say about their children's education and life style. It is a future where (com)paasinate teachers can further indoctrinate students in beliefs they hold and parents don't.
Warwak even published a series of e-mails in which he is chastised for deception and forcing his beliefs on students. He responds by chastising his boss and tries to (re)educate him into becoming a vegan, ergo becoming a responsible citizen shaping student's futures.

From: Mahaffy, Tim
Sent: Tue 4/10/2007 1:45 PM
To: Warwak, David
Subject: project
Please see me about the display. I'm getting very
uncomfortable with the message it is sending. I really need any reference
to eating animals (meat) out of your project. It is not the positive
message that I though it was going to be.
uncomfortable with the message it is sending. I really need any reference
to eating animals (meat) out of your project. It is not the positive
message that I though it was going to be.
I'm very sorry if I misunderstood where you were going with this.
Dr. Tim Mahaffy
Fox River Grove Middle School
401 Orchard Street
Fox River Grove, IL 60021
PH: 847-462-2324 Fax: 847-516-5104
> -----Original Message----->
From: Mahaffy, Tim
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 2:34 PM
> To: Warwak, David
> Subject: RE: meeting
> > Dave,
> > I have not had the time to read the book or to watch the video. I
> told you before not to give me the book. I accepted it and sincerely
> appreciated it. I may read it, but do I want a meeting in a week
> based upon what I think....no. If I get to the materials and I feel
> as passionate about it as you do, then I will seek you out to have a
> conversation. If I don't have the same passion as you and do not want
> to discuss it or choose not to read/view them, then I request that you
> respect my decision as I do your opinions.
> > Tim > >
> From: Warwak, David
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 12:31 PM
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 12:31 PM
> To: Mahaffy, Tim
> Subject: RE: meeting
> Importance: High
> > Hi Tim,>
All I am asking is that you look at some information that I am saying
> is very important. What could be more important than our kids health?
> Not looking for a debate or immediate commitment, only that you look
> at the things I asked you to look at. I used the language I used
> because this is that important of an issue - at least I think so. I
> just want you to understand what is going on and I know you will feel
> differently when you do. I respectfully ask that you look at the
> information and let me know what you think - can we sit down and talk
> about this some time next week?
> Thanks,> Dave
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> From: Mahaffy, Tim
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 11:02 AM
> To: Warwak, David
> Subject: RE: meeting
> > Dave,
> > I'm not going to commit to any intentions on the "future of our kids".
> I am not going to get into this debate with you. Please don't go
> there with me and I respectfully request that you not pressure me to
> feel guilty about the extremely grave and serious problems.
> I do not currently have any plans to become the model school that you
> think we need to be when it comes to diet. I am working on the
> million other mandates in education. If this one comes through...I> will work on that
> > Tim> >
> From: Warwak, David
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 10:59 AM
> To: Mahaffy, Tim
> Subject: RE: meeting
> Importance: High
> > Hi Tim,
> I would like to hear your thoughts/intentions in regards to the data
> in relationship to our kids' future and our school's
> involvement/responsibility with these extremely grave and serious
> problems.
> Thanks,
> Dave >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mahaffy, Tim
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 10:48 AM
> To: Warwak, David
> Subject: RE: meeting
> > No I haven't other than the initial glance at the stats.
> > What would we be meeting about?> >
> From: Warwak, David
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 10:40 AM
> To: Mahaffy, Tim
> Subject: meeting
> Importance: High
> > Hi Tim,
> Hopefully, you have looked at the stats and watched the video,
> maybe perused the book.> Can we set a time next week to meet?
> Thanks,
> Dave
> -----Original Message----->
From: Mahaffy, Tim
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:06 AM
> To: Warwak, David
> Subject: RE: stats and such
> > Thanks for the bagel and coffee...but message to long for me to read.> >
_____________________________________________ >
From: Warwak, David
From: Warwak, David
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:54 AM
> To: MS Staff
> Subject: stats and such
> > Bagels and coffee in the teachers' lounge and some alarming stats
> below from a great book I recommend everyone reads.> >
> ----->
> This is a reprint of REALITIES 1989, which are facts excerpted from
> the Pulitzer Prize nominated "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins.
> Mr. Robbins is the heir of the Baskin Robbins fortune; and instead
> of following in his dad's footsteps, he did some research on how the
> American flesh eating diet affects everyone's lives.
-----Original Message-----
-----Original Message-----
From: Mahaffy, Tim
Sent: Tuesday,
April 10, 2007 2:04 PM
April 10, 2007 2:04 PM
To: Warwak, DavidSubject: RE: Concern
You are correct...you don't get it. I don't shoe things under the carpet and I do
not appreciate it. I will take care of the posters. You are missing the point.
From: Warwak, David
not appreciate it. I will take care of the posters. You are missing the point.
From: Warwak, David
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:54 PM
To: Mahaffy, Tim
Subject: RE: Concern
Sorry you feel that way. I never told anyone to be a vegetarian. I think students should have all the facts and make their own decisions. I thought we want students to be
informed decision makers. I thought nutrition was taught in school. I
respect life and I am taking responsibility (that is the correlation). This
started because of students at our school, our students, are killing animals for
fun - killing birds and squirrels - anything that moves. I thought I would
confront the issue instead of shoeing it under the carpet for fear of phone
calls. I am not sure which posters you are referring to. I can
take them all down if you wish.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mahaffy, Tim
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 12:44 PM
To: Warwak, David
Subject: Concern
Importance: High
This Peep project seems to be turning into a PETA advertisement. I don't like tying in the schools moto of respect and responsibility to a vegetarian diet. I don't see the
correlation and I don't want to be fielding phone calls that we are pushing an
agenda on the students or other staff that is not the opinion of the
district. I think a couple of the posters take this too far and maybe some
of the display. Please be careful not to have this back fire.
The notion that non-vegetarians support cruelty to animals....even if true.....I'm not using our school as a soap box for this opinion. Please remove the posters that indicate that students should not eat meat. I'm sorry if I led you to believe that I supported promoting
being a vegetarian, and that not being one, was bad.
Dr. Tim Mahaffy
This Peep project seems to be turning into a PETA advertisement. I don't like tying in the schools moto of respect and responsibility to a vegetarian diet. I don't see the
correlation and I don't want to be fielding phone calls that we are pushing an
agenda on the students or other staff that is not the opinion of the
district. I think a couple of the posters take this too far and maybe some
of the display. Please be careful not to have this back fire.
The notion that non-vegetarians support cruelty to animals....even if true.....I'm not using our school as a soap box for this opinion. Please remove the posters that indicate that students should not eat meat. I'm sorry if I led you to believe that I supported promoting
being a vegetarian, and that not being one, was bad.
Dr. Tim Mahaffy
Fox River Grove Middle School
401 Orchard Street
Fox River Grove, IL 60021
PH: 847-462-2324 Fax: 847-516-5104
This is the info that was too long to read (which I know is very serious indeed) but change means work
http://inslide.com/respect/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1In this example Heriditary Ignorance continues by avoidance, delay, denial, anger, disconnect - do not back down from these people - eventually, you will break through!
This guy sounds like a stalker in his e-mail, especially one that has no sense of the "nuance" of "you don't get it".
I love the part where he cites the heir of the Baskins & Robbins fortune as an expert who has researched diet. Of course, being a reality based type of guy, Warwak realizes an ice cream heir might not be persuasive enough so he goes for the old bribe'em with coffee and bagels trick to get teachers to read his crap.
So now we're at a point of Vegan Or Bust. Or love bambi or I'll sue!
This guy is too stupid to be a student, let alone a teacher.
Big Hat Tip to Darth at Return of the Conservatives!!!