From Publishers Weekly
With this provocative book, Greenwald, a former constitutional lawyer and author of A Tragic Legacy and How Would a Patriot Act, purports to expose the rank myth-making and exploitation of cultural, gender and psychological themes by the Republican Party. The author begins his attack by targeting John Wayne, whom he sees as a template for right-wing notions of American courage and conservative manliness. Wayne's avoidance of military service and his string of divorces, both at odds with his public image, are emblematic in this account of a fundamental hypocrisy implicit in conservative mythologies. Greenwald goes on to argue that prominent Republicans from Ronald Reagan to Mitt Romney display the same hypocrisy in their public ideologies and personal lives. Shouldering much of the blame are the press and the media, including Matt Drudge, Ann Coulter, Chris Matthews and even Maureen Dowd, all of whom propagate popular attitudes about virile Republicans and effeminate Democrats. Despite the antipathy the author feels for Coulter, his writing is much like hers. More a partisan screed than a reasoned argument meant to persuade undecided readers, this repetitive text frequently devolves into personal attacks and vast generalizations.
“Those who ignore what Greenwald has to say act at our collective peril.”—John W. Dean, former Nixon White House counsel and author of Conservatives Without Conscience
“There are few patriots on Capitol Hill. You can count them on your hand. . . . Glenn Greenwald, constitutional lawyer, is one such patriot.”—BuzzFlash.com
“One of the smartest and most important new voices to emerge in politics in years.” —Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, founder of Daily Kos and coauthor of Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People-Powered Politics
"Glenn Greenwald has done it again. He’s about to release another great book. . . . From the myth that John Wayne was a great American hero (he was a WWII draft dodger), to how the media perpetuates false images of right-wingers (so much for the “liberal media”) . . . to the falsehood that Republicans bring us smaller government, Glenn lays it out beautifully." —Alan Colmes
"The peerless Glenn Greenwald."—Josh Marshall
"One of the best political commentators out there . . .Unlike most other bloggers, Greenwald practices journalism . . . Few others are better than Greenwald at sussing out the accidental propaganda inflicted on us by the mainstream press" —The Village Voice
"Perhaps the most influential civil-liberties writer on the Web" —The American Prospect
"Blogosphere superstar" —Mother Jones
"Among the most intelligent and widely read practitioners of blogging" —GQ
The Greenwalds are sanctimonious prigs and purveyors of spin and half-truths. In my opinion, the Glenns are liars. When they are called a Marshall peerless, a Mother Jones superstar and a Colmes beautiful layer how do they continue to insist against all hope that they are conservative? The Greenwalds are putzes without any hard facts.