Maddowesque at best, but then figures lie and liars figure.
From the Democrat Party of Wisconsin:
"Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Those states and their ranking on ACT/SAT scores are as follows: South Carolina -50th/ North Carolina -49th/ Georgia -48th/ Texas -47th/ Virginia -44th. If you are wondering, Wisconsin is currently ranked #2."
After we contacted the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Melissa Baldauff, the party’s research director, wrote us to say that "after further investigation, we determined that the data was not the most up-to-date. Accordingly, we have removed the post from our Facebook page."
Ultimately, the Facebook post uses outdated data based on a questionable methodology. A review using current data finds that Wisconsin does perform better on test scores than the non-union states, but not as dramatically as suggested in the Facebook post. And there is at best limited evidence that unionization played a causal role in shaping differences in test scores. We rate the statement False.
From the Democrat Party of Wisconsin:
"Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Those states and their ranking on ACT/SAT scores are as follows: South Carolina -50th/ North Carolina -49th/ Georgia -48th/ Texas -47th/ Virginia -44th. If you are wondering, Wisconsin is currently ranked #2."

Yes, the teachers belong to a union. It is not working out very well. I had to tutor my two children to supplement their "education."
As for the fun facts, you wrote them in comments here before.
Yes, the teachers belong to a union. It is not working out very well. I had to tutor my two children to supplement their "education."
As for the fun facts, you wrote them in comments here before.
Our children are being taught by unions? How's that working out?
Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Lets look at the educational achievement in those non-union states by their ranking on ACT/SAT scores:
South Carolina -50th
North Carolina -49th
Georgia -48th
Texas -47th
Virginia -44th
Oh, in case you are wondering, Wisconsin is currently ranked #2 - one of the best achieving states in education in America.