I hope some damned fool doesn't lower themself to a lefty level by trying to do the same thing to libProgs. This is a strata they should have all to themselves. Plus, we won't get splattered by their sewer stuff.
...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Violent Leftists Just Keep Staying Classy
I hope some damned fool doesn't lower themself to a lefty level by trying to do the same thing to libProgs. This is a strata they should have all to themselves. Plus, we won't get splattered by their sewer stuff.
Huntsman Is Toast
Michael Moore likes Huntsman!
Now he is directing his outrage at President Obama, a man he helped win office in 2008. “I don’t understand why he’s chosen the path he’s chosen, why he did not come in fighting for the working people of this country,” Moore tells Newsweek. “He could have been a great president. He could have pulled us back from the abyss.” Instead, “he came in more as Neville Chamberlain, wanting to appease Republicans.” Moore hasn’t even decided whether he’ll vote for Obama again in 2012; he likes Jon Huntsman on the Republican side, saying “it’s crazy time over there” and Huntsman is the only “sane candidate.” “If the Republicans were smart, they would nominate [him].”
Maybe Moore will produce some more propaganda, but this time for Huntsman the faux Republican. Heck, Moore might double Huntsman's numbers up to 2%. No matter, Huntsman is toast.
Now he is directing his outrage at President Obama, a man he helped win office in 2008. “I don’t understand why he’s chosen the path he’s chosen, why he did not come in fighting for the working people of this country,” Moore tells Newsweek. “He could have been a great president. He could have pulled us back from the abyss.” Instead, “he came in more as Neville Chamberlain, wanting to appease Republicans.” Moore hasn’t even decided whether he’ll vote for Obama again in 2012; he likes Jon Huntsman on the Republican side, saying “it’s crazy time over there” and Huntsman is the only “sane candidate.” “If the Republicans were smart, they would nominate [him].”
Maybe Moore will produce some more propaganda, but this time for Huntsman the faux Republican. Heck, Moore might double Huntsman's numbers up to 2%. No matter, Huntsman is toast.
Michael Moore,
The Benevolent Iron Fist Of Big Government
As the UK health care system falls apart other parts of the government are trying to destroy what is left of the country.
News of the decision to remove them was broken to the couple, from Dundee, on Tuesday. Critics called it a disgraceful breach of human rights and a chilling example of the power of the State to meddle in family life.
In an emotional interview, the 42-year-old mother said: ‘We might not be the perfect parents, but we love our children with all our hearts. To face a future where we will never see them again is unbearable.
Read the whole article, but notice this part:
At meal times, a social worker stood in the room taking notes. Doctors raised concerns that the children put on weight whenever they spent time with their parents, a claim they vehemently denied.
The couple and their children also had to adhere to a strict 11pm curfew. This involved ‘clocking’ in and out by filling in a sheet held by an employee who lived on site. (emphasis mine)
The government placed government employees in the living quarters who took notes and signed members of the family in and out forcing a curfew on them. Huh? What crackhead thought this up?
All of this started because one of the children reported that the father had hit him on the forehead, which was a lie, but allowed government officials to start an investigation of the family.
The Iron Fisters of our government are bringing this fight to America, but remember, they are doing it for the children which makes it okay. Right? No. Most emphatically, no.
The least government is the best government. This idea is the basis for our Constitution and our liberal-progressive class is at all out war with that idea because their deity is government. This is the fight we are having right now in America; will we continue to allow the benevolent iron fist of government to grow bigger and stronger or will the iron will of individuals stop big government in its tracks? I know which side I'm on.
ObamaCare Won't Work - Queen Of NHS
Let’s cut to the chase and just get our government out of health care now instead of spending trillions when we already know it won’t work.
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