where is mred?
This is what he said at Invincible Armor back on the 19th of August:
"He has a unique view of the world, but enough with real life Tom, blog
more. Now. Please.."
Blog more? OK, how's this grab ya? I've got 36 posts (including this
one) in on the 24th day of August, and 142 posts total through 8 months of 2007,
completely blowing away my final tallies the previous 3 years. Actually, it
blows away 2004 and 2006 combined. And I still have 4 months left in
So, what I'm sayin' is, I've done my part mRed. Ya got more bloggin'.
Now get your butt over here and comment. Now. Please.
After a gazillion posts (just this year), sometimes staying up 60 hours straight, just to please his minion, mRed, having delved into the darkest depths of the net wackmob, has found the true identity of Tom Blogical.

Where is mRed? On the job, always. mRed has been on the job since the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor and mRed has been winning international acclaim since Al Gore invented the internet while honing his character for "Love Story". That's where this wildly popular and international jet-setter has been. It's tiring, but he does it all for you, his readers.
Well, actually mRed has also been in River City with his sister's trombone and 75 of his closest friends.
(Bravo, Bravo!)