Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Candidates Flock to First Ever Amish Debate

Presidential Candidates In First Ever Amish Debate

(Plain City, Ohio) For the first time the leading candidates for the presidency will hold a televised debate devoted solely to Amish issues.

The one-hour event will be held on August 9 and broadcast on Amish network DARK at 9:00 pm ET (6:00 pm ET) and through live streaming yelling at Amishoffline.com for people outside the event.

Ron Paul, Jim Gilmore, Tom Tancredo and Sam Brownback have confirmed they will participate. Several other Republican candidates also may join the debate. Newt Gingrich, who in the past has underwritten several grants for horse mechanics programs, who is said to considering an appearance stated “You can't trust anybody with power which is why all Americans love horse and buggies”

The debate will be conducted with a live audience in Plain City at the Der Dutchman Restaurant. On the panel questioning the four Republicans will be Amish Defense League president Friedrich von Steuben and seamtress Esther Stoltzfus.

The debate was put together by DARK and ADL.

"In the 2008 presidential election, issues of concern to the Amish community have already been at the forefront of the national conversation,” said von Steuben.

"From the repeal of “Don’t Cask, Don’t Yell” to the recent signing of apple butter legislation in Pennsylvania, there is no doubt that voters will demand answers to important questions affecting our community."

The panelists in a statement said they plan to cover a range of issues including inter-family relationship recognition, Hochmut and Demut, workplace fairness and child labor laws, current conscientious objector status, buggy safety, Ellis-van Creveld syndrome and other important issues such as Rumspringa.

The Amish vote is considered a decisive electoral force and according to exit poll data make up an unknown percent of the voting population.

Plain City was chosen as the site for the event because of the city's outstanding Snicker Doodles, Chow Chow and Schnitz and Knepp. Besides, if the debate were held in Columbus, it would be all night getting home.

"We're honored to give the presidential candidates an historic opportunity to share their views directly with the Amish audience," Amos Stoltzfus, Elder, Entertainment, DARK Networks Music Group, and Elder, DARK said in a hand written statement.

"This forum continues DARK Networks’ tradition of engaging vital niche audiences with voting and the electoral process. It's just too darned sad that we have no broadcasting equipment, but heck, no Amish have televisions. It's like, stups, no electricity"

In addition to questioning by von Steuben and Stoltzfus people will be able to pose their own questions through DARKoffline.com and ADL.org representatives who will be taking notes outside the restaurant prior to the event.

Republicans Piddling Themselves for Peace Reelection

Weak Kneed RINOs United For Losing

Still, the one factor that could give the Democrats their biggest boost is also the one that’s largely beyond their capacity to control. If more Republicans break ranks and call on Bush to start bringing troops home from Iraq, as Sens. Richard
G. Lugar
of Indiana, George V. Voinovich of Ohio and
Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico have already done, Democrats might not have to spend as much of their limited time on efforts to end the war.

Republican poster children for failure.

Richard Lugar
Lamar Alexander
Judd Gregg
Pete Domenici
Chuck Hagel
George Voinovich
Olympia J. Snowe

Way to go people. You make us proud. Just don't all cry at the same time. Losers.

Peter Kirstein, a Thoroughly Modern Moron

Now this is a smack down. COB is the man.

Pete is very intelligent, no doubt in my mind:

SiCKO is one of the greatest movies in the history of cinema. It ranks with Citizen Kane, Apocalypse Now and On the Waterfront as an epic masterpiece.


These are “fellow Americans” who have to stitch their own wounds; these
are our neighbors that have to flee to Canada or France to receive basic health
coverage. Peter Kirstein July 4th, 2007

Last time I checked, getting stitches here in bad 'ole America was a tad cheaper than a ticket to France. And a drive to Canada. Whatever.

Vladimir Putin, the courageous and bold president of the Russain Federation, has responded to the 60th anniversary of the Stalin Purges. This has been another Churchillian moment for the emerging spokesperson for the oppressed peoples of the Earth. Peter Kirstein June 24th, 2007

Oppressed peoples of the earth? I get depressed that professors still today can't figure out who is oppressing who. Churchill, if alive, would bitchslap Pete.

Oh, that's right. The U.S. is an "imperialist force" subjugating the world so NASCAR can hold races for ignorant hillbillies in the south. That is part of Rove's oil for grits vote program.

Nothing gets past good 'ole Pete. He's a sharp one, he is.

UPDATE: I referred to "without AAA" in e-mail to cadet. Some have deliberately misquoted me in saying I was criticising attacking nations with AAA. It would make no sense. other than that, feel free to disagree with me.

This was not so in the screen shot of the e-mail you sent (that was my reference point), but I do give you large kudos for being polite.

Episcopals United Against Jesus and Victory in Iraq

Okay, I was on the high seas of Erie which means my cell and my puter didn't work. Thankfully the bottle opener, the on board grill and the compass did. My best friend and his wife, both liberals of the nth degree, graciously invited my wife and I for a long sail, good conversation and vast amounts of fun with drink, food and friends and no politics.

Bonus points were scored when mRed Jr (who has me by 4"s) and girlfriend joined us all on Kelley's Island where he immediately brought up just how stupid liberals were for wanting to lose in Iraq. The wife and I immediately ran for the bar as a Canadian couple joined the ensuing argument over Amerinazis. My friend, who is a practicing non-practicing Episcopalian, and wife quickly joined us to commence a nonstop communion of shots stated that the Church we both grew up in had become a joke which made the communion quip relevant. I let it slide until this morning I came across this article.

Episcopal priest suspended after saying she also is Muslim

The Rev. Ann Holmes Redding must take a year from her position at
Seattle's St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral and should "reflect on the doctrines of
the Christian faith, her vocation as a priest, and what I see as the conflicts
inherent in professing both Christianity and Islam," the Rt. Rev. Geralyn Wolf,
bishop of the Diocese of Rhode Island, wrote in an e-mail to church


"Since entering Islam," she told the newspaper, "I have been, by my own
estimation, a better teacher, a better preacher and a better


Since being suspended from the priesthood, Redding said, she realizes
many believe "the last thing the church needs to deal with at this time is this
type of doctrinal dispute. I wish it could've been at a more convenient time,
but as far as I know I am responding to God's will and God's timing."

Doctrinal dispute? Convenient time? God's will? Does this babe moonlight as a vegan reviewer for Ruth's Chris?

No wonder the episcopal church is no longer a Church.

My son made the Canadians beat a hasty retreat by using facts and joined us. It was fun and even my friend and his wife had to chuckle.

Did I mention his girlfriend is smart and beautiful.

Man in Dress By 10, Unannounced Second and Ron Paul Cleaning Up the Rear

The breakdowns:


Giuliani has the support of 30% of "Republicans and Republican
leaners," vs. 28% a month ago; Thompson comes in with 20%, vs. 19% in June;
McCain has 16%, vs. 18% a month earlier.

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney remains in fourth, at 9%
vs. 7% in June.

The current numbers for the rest of the Republicans included in the
survey: Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, 6%; former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, 2%; Rep. Duncan Hunter, 2%; Rep. Tom Tancredo, 2%; Sen. Sam Brownback, 1%; Sen. Chuck Hagel, 1%; former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson, 1%. Neither former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore nor Rep. Ron Paul registered any support.

None of the Republican numbers change significantly if Gingrich is
removed from the poll. The survey of 394 Republicans and voters who "lean"
Republican has a margin of error of +/- 5 percentage points.

The odds makers are busy and they haven't even left the gate.