Last week we were told that the middle class couldn't afford meat. Now students are starving. Have we no shame?
'Starving students' turn to food banks
"Before, when I lived in the dorms, I was on the meal plan," the 20-year-old said. "Now that I'm in the apartment, I have to pay for food, and I have to pay my cell phone bill. I don't make enough to pay for both."
With just $100 left to last him through the end of the month, the 20-year-old said a food bank might be his best option.
"It kind of grosses me out," McManaway said. "But if my parents say, 'No, we're not going to give you any more money,' it may be a last resort."
Bush, you bastard. This must be your fault and when Obama gets home, you're gonna pay.
...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Friday, July 25, 2008
German Women Still Gushing Over Obama
I worked out with Obama!
“My name’s Judith” I reply. "I’m Barack Obama, nice to meet you!” he says, and puts his arm across my shoulder. I put my arm around his hip – wow, he didn’t even sweat! WHAT A MAN!
Forget policy. Don't need it. He works out.
Mein Gott werde ich für diesen Mann stimmen!!!!!!
“My name’s Judith” I reply. "I’m Barack Obama, nice to meet you!” he says, and puts his arm across my shoulder. I put my arm around his hip – wow, he didn’t even sweat! WHAT A MAN!
Forget policy. Don't need it. He works out.
Mein Gott werde ich für diesen Mann stimmen!!!!!!
Barack Obama,
Ohio Anti-Smokers Make Huge Profits On State Ban
Who Really Profits From Smoking Bans?
I found this on Tony Phyrillas' site. Tony is from PENNSYLVANIA.
Opponents of Ohio Bans say "Just follow the money."
COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 23 /PRNewswire/ -- "Smoking bans in the U.S. have been funded by those who directly profit from the sales of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT)," said Debi Kistner with Opponents of OhioBans. Robert Wood Johnson, the late CEO of Johnson & Johnson, establishedthe Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3)in the early 1970s. According to their November 2005 publication, "Takingon tobacco: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Assault on Smoking", from1991 to 2005 the foundation paid $446,398,054 in tobacco-control grants.Grantees that did not move from tobacco education to tobacco control became ineligible for further grants.
As of March 31, 2008 the foundation owns 35,435,189 shares of Johnson &Johnson (JNJ) common stock (valued at nearly 2.3 billion dollars) and is one of the company's largest institutional holders. As a tax exemptfoundation RWJF pays 1 percent tax on realized capital gains and dividendsfrom its investments, while other investors pay 15 percent. Johnson &Johnson profits from the sales of Nicoderm CQ and Nicorette products. Thefoundation therefore directly profits from cigarette tax and smoking banlaws they've provided grants to create. In January 2008, 1,000,000 boxes ofthe company's nicotine replacement products were reportedly sold andNicoderm CQ is touted as the "best selling smoking cessation patch inhistory". April 15, 2008, Forbes reported that Johnson & Johnson profitjumped 40% during the first quarter of 2008.
I wondered who was making the huge profits from screwing so many people's individual rights.
Ohio's smoking ban was a big win for the anti-smokers, but the really big winners are big intrusive government and those pushing the ban to make huge profits.
The big loser is the people of Ohio who thought they were doing good when they not only voted away their rights, but also set precedent for other rights to be taken away.
I found this on Tony Phyrillas' site. Tony is from PENNSYLVANIA.
Opponents of Ohio Bans say "Just follow the money."
COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 23 /PRNewswire/ -- "Smoking bans in the U.S. have been funded by those who directly profit from the sales of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRT)," said Debi Kistner with Opponents of OhioBans. Robert Wood Johnson, the late CEO of Johnson & Johnson, establishedthe Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) tax exempt non-profit 501(c)(3)in the early 1970s. According to their November 2005 publication, "Takingon tobacco: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Assault on Smoking", from1991 to 2005 the foundation paid $446,398,054 in tobacco-control grants.Grantees that did not move from tobacco education to tobacco control became ineligible for further grants.
As of March 31, 2008 the foundation owns 35,435,189 shares of Johnson &Johnson (JNJ) common stock (valued at nearly 2.3 billion dollars) and is one of the company's largest institutional holders. As a tax exemptfoundation RWJF pays 1 percent tax on realized capital gains and dividendsfrom its investments, while other investors pay 15 percent. Johnson &Johnson profits from the sales of Nicoderm CQ and Nicorette products. Thefoundation therefore directly profits from cigarette tax and smoking banlaws they've provided grants to create. In January 2008, 1,000,000 boxes ofthe company's nicotine replacement products were reportedly sold andNicoderm CQ is touted as the "best selling smoking cessation patch inhistory". April 15, 2008, Forbes reported that Johnson & Johnson profitjumped 40% during the first quarter of 2008.
I wondered who was making the huge profits from screwing so many people's individual rights.
Ohio's smoking ban was a big win for the anti-smokers, but the really big winners are big intrusive government and those pushing the ban to make huge profits.
The big loser is the people of Ohio who thought they were doing good when they not only voted away their rights, but also set precedent for other rights to be taken away.
John Edwards, Rielle Hunter And The Collusion Of The Media
Editors ban discussion of Edwards love-child charges.
The story about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter is nothing, but the age old story of people gone wrong. The story of how all the major news organizations spiked the story in apparent collusion is quite another.
Just as Watergate would have been nothing, but a second-rate burglary except for the cover up by the Nixon Administration, the real 'love child' story is beyond the story. People in positions of power and trust discussed what they would do in unison to mislead the public about a story for reasons they wish to keep secret, just as they have colluded in their coverage of our presidential election and the candidates.
Below is a search made for stories containing the word 'rielle' which is the first name of the woman who supposedly had John Edwards' child and with whom he clandestinely met at a hotel earlier this week. He attempted to sneak in and sneak out, but was caught by reporters which he attempted to hide from.
ABC News
Feature Search Results:
Did you mean "Rille"?
0 results found for "Rielle"
NBC News
1 - 7 of 7 results for 'Rielle'
1.Veepstakes: Edwards on the trail - First Read -
I live in LA and know Lisa Druck or Rielle Hunter or whatever she calls herself now. I heard Lisa is back in LA now with the baby and talks of whose baby it is.
2.Celebrating Independence - News- (7/6/2008)
Behind them in the parade was 11-year-old Gab-rielle Cooper, who rode in a decorated golf cart and tossed handfuls of candy to the crowd gathered along Main Street.
3.Edwards, Obama cancel meeting - First Read -
The (unsubstantiated) rumor that I heard is that the Clinton camp was going to force Edwards to endorse her, threatening that if he didn't, they would publicize the Rielle Hunter ...
4.Edwards print ad tomorrow - First Read -
After this election is over, Senator Clinton will be fan, I'll be fan, Rielle Hunter will be fan. But will my baby be fan? Will the baby get to know its real father?
5.Edwards says Clinton camp lacks 'conscience' - First Read -
... think Barack can afford to hitch himself to John Edwards, given the fact that Edwards is about to be exposed in a major sex scandal. If you haven't heard about it, google "Rielle ...
6.Oh-eight (D): Hillary on Letterman - First Read -
Does anyone else wonder why the media is holding back on the stories about Edwards' affair with Rielle Hunter and about her current pregnancy?
7.Celebrating Independence - News- (7/6/2008)
Behind them in the parade was 11-year-old Gab-rielle Cooper, who rode in a decorated golf cart and tossed handfuls of candy to the crowd gathered along Main Street.
CBS News
Search Results For: "rielle"
1 - 10 of 11,513
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1.Jason Hall and Jack Thompson
Jason 'Jace' Hall has an exclusive interview with the infamous Jack Thompson through his online production called, "The Jace Hall Show". The interview showcases a slightly different side to Jack ...
2.Democrats Avoid Battle Over ...
Congressional efforts to deal with growing Medicare spending will be set aside for another year under a rule change approved by the House on Thursday.
3.How They Voted: House Roll Call On ...
The 303-115 roll call Thursday by which the House passed a bill that would triple the money to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis around the world.
4.Column: Veepstakes From A Student ...
For Obama, at least 30 names have been discussed in the media, few of which have any real chance of being picked. The list seems smaller for John McCain, if only because he more clearly has to ...
5.Yet More McCain
YET MORE McCAIN....As the sun was setting in Berlin on Barack Obama's big speech, John McCain stepped out from Schmidt's Sausage Haus in Ohio to rebuke his opponent:I would rather speak at a rally ...
CNN News
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FOX News
Your search - rielle - did not match any documents. No pages were found containing "rielle". Suggestions:
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Reuters News
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Associated Press
Results for search of stories matching "rielle".
1-4 of 4
Bush raises money for GOP House candidates
Jul 18, 4:49 PM EDT
Immigrant's beating death exposes tensions in Pa.
Jul 18, 2:12 PM EDT
Baltimore Ravens training real ravens as mascots
Jun 27, 2:41 PM EDT
House adds extra shuttle flight in NASA budget
Jun 18, 5:21 PM EDT
1-4 of 4
If Sherrod Brown wants an anti-trust review, maybe he should look into the obvious collusion between the major news outlets.
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