Soros supported J Street, a fake Israeli support group, has been busy drumming up support for a false war crimes report about Israel and supporting Hamas in the halls of Congress. Right here in Ohio we have some interesting characters supporting them.
The Honorable Sherrod Brown (OH)
The Honorable John Boccieri (OH-16)
The Honorable Steve Driehaus (OH-01)
The Honorable Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
The Honorable Mary-Jo Kilroy (OH-15)
The Honorable Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
From Yid With LID
BOMBSHELL! Soros-Controlled J Street Tried To Gain Congressional Acceptance of UN Report Accusing Israel of War Crimes
Granted, Dennis the Menace is Captain of any tin foil brigade and Marcy Kaptur, who wouldn't support America or a truly good cause if her life depended on it, are obvious members, but Boccieri, Driehaus and Kilroy are in iffy reelection bids. Of course, all three would and do take money from anyone for reelection, but joining this group of haters is a clear sign of their desperation. Sherrod? What can one say about Sherrod other than his voice is probably as hoarse as it is from too many anti-Israel chants.
What a group of maroons.
(I find it ironic that spellcheck wants to change Hamas to Hams. I blame Bush)