Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Would Have Paid Large

This is a photograph of Elvis, "I'm Evil" Presley and an under weight B.B. King sans "Lucille" back in the days of white and black cannot be together, but were every night. I played drums five hours a night, five nights a week, under contract for the true pleasure of watching black and white people dance and sway together each night. I felt like a king. It was wonderful.
All that racial separation never made the music or my friendships any less.
Of course, if Jessie "I'm a pimp for blackmail" Jackson finds out he'll pay someone to say it wasn't true just to sue somebody or try to blackmail a major corporation to pay to make him go away. He's a street punk with no street. Jessie Jackson is an uptown huckster with no class left.
That's why Jessie Jackson can never sit wonderfully and listen to Mahalia or Mississippi Fred and sip a sip and thank God for what is.
Ice tea and the good clean taste of this day are things he doesn't recognize anymore. No field trips on his agenda or those planned by his staff will reacquaint him with the mother that bore him.
She must, I think, weep over what a whore he has become as he pontificates each day.
I would this very day kill for tickets to listen to BB and Elvis together. It would be like sugar and salt.
Sans Mr. Parker, Elvis would rock still today. BB still does. Cray is sneaking up on him though.

Representative John Boehner And Reading Photos And Body Language

If you believe in this sort of thing then you have to believe we just got screwed. It's not just Harry Reid's smug sagacity, Pelosi's poop eating grin or President Bush's look of sincerity.

It is Congressman Boehner's look. That look tells me we just got screwed. I don't know how, but even without knowing all the facts I know deep in my heart that we are hip deep in doodoo and we will probably never get out of it from the look on John Boehner's face.

If you know Congressman Boehner you'll know of what I speak. If you do not know Boehner, start getting to know him because he is a straight conservative shooter who knows his stuff inside and out. Look at his face.

We. Are. Screwed.

You read it and let me know what I already know.

Today's Announcements From Chicken Little

GORE: Climate change 'significantly worse' than feared...

More Russian nuclear fuel delivered to Iran...

Soros: Worst crisis in 60 years...

POUND FOR POUND: UK government considers paying obese adults to lose weight...

Dutch Braced For 'Koran Insult' Backlash...

PAPER: Detroit Mayor lied under oath... Developing...

Pope calls on media to adopt 'info-ethics'...

U2 singer in meeting at Pentagon...

What’s worse? That these things are occurring or that the media feels the need to print them?

How abnormal are these when viewed in a historical context as an aggregate. A politician lied? The Pope wants reporters to exhibit ethics when dealing with facts? Another group of faux muslims are using the Koran to show their faux rage? That governments find new and intrusive excuses to control citizens? Socialists such as Soros use their wealth to sully capitalism in America? Or is it odder and thus significant that a pop star is meeting with military leaders concerning how the military should do its job or is it odd at all that a shill such as Al Gore will try to up the ante on his prior dire lies by stating the problem is much worse than he ever realized.

The sky was falling and all Randolph Hearst could worry about was the Spanish threat resting before its storm broke against our shores. Really, it was the Maine event then just as Hearst’s bastard babies in the press stir the teapot now.