Illegals OK'd to drive in N.Y.
New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer has started a major political fight over
immigration by ordering state officials to issue driver's licenses to illegal
aliens, prompting at least one county legislature to defy the executive order
and pushing toward a showdown in court.
The embattled governor's order has drawn some acerbic commentary,
including a cartoon showing Osama bin Laden as a New York City taxi driver.
After spending months trying to deflect charges that he used state police to
target the Republican leader of the state Senate, Mr. Spitzer appears eager for
a fight over this contentious issue.
"The rabid right that wants to pile on and use this to demagogue
the issue will not carry the day in New York state," he said recently. "Those
who view this as a political issue once again are taking the state in the wrong
Fresh from his criminal activity as bully-in-chief, Eliot Spitzer has ripped a page from the Pelosi/Reid book of lowlife politics by blatantly lying and ignoring reality, the voter's wishes and the law to deflect criticism from his troubled administration by giving illegal aliens the right to drive in New York. It seems that Democrats/liberals nationwide are using the Pelosi/Reid model of totally ignoring reality and creating an alter-world of their own where they can practice a brand of politics that has no connection to the truth anywhere except in the MSM's world of e=mc tripled. Given time Spitzer may yet figure out how to share credit for raising $4.2 million for the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation with Hysterical Harry.
I can't wait to drive on the Bell Parkway between two jihadists fighting over a little boy and a piñata bandit late for taco hour at the local welfare office.
But, at least the illegals won't be breaking the law when they drive to the polls to vote for Eliot. That's a plus. Right?