...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
MSM & Democrats Continue To Lie About American Views About Iraq
- By a 53 percent - 46 percent margin, respondents surveyed said that
Democrats are going too far, too fast in pressing the President to withdraw
troops from Iraq.
By identical 57 percent - 41 percent margins, voters agreed with these
statements: I support finishing the job in Iraq, that is, keeping the troops
there until the Iraqi government can maintain control and provide security
and the Iraqi war is a key part of the global war on terrorism.
Also, by a 56 percent - 43 percent margin, voters agreed that even if
they have concerns about his war policies, Americans should stand behind the
President in Iraq because we are at war.
While the survey shows voters believe (60 percent- 34 percent) that Iraq
will never become a stable democracy, they still disagree that victory in
Iraq (creating a young, but stable democracy and reducing the threat of
terrorism at home) is no longer possible. Fifty-three percent say it's still
possible, while 43 percent disagree.
By a wide 74 percent - 25 percent margin, voters disagree with the notion
that "I don't really care what happens in Iraq after the U.S. leaves, I just
want the troops brought home."
Public Opinion Strategies "scored the best win-loss record among the major
polling and media firms in the 2004 election" and was named Pollster of the
Year in 2002.
Ms. Terrorist 2006

Last updated at 14:25pm on 20th February 2007
This is the moment one of the 21/7 suspects fled London dressed as a woman in a burka.
A jury was today shown CCTV footage of 26-year-old Yassin Omar covered from head to toe - with a handbag draped over his left arm.
At 6ft 2in, Omar stood out in the crowded street as he was filmed
walking along the pavement towards Golders Green Bus station. Commuters can be seen turning round to watch him as he passes.
It was 22 July, 2005, the day after he and five others are accused
of trying to cause carnage with rucksack bombs on London's transport system two weeks after the 7/7 attacks. A series of different cameras followed his
movements across a busy road and into the station to catch a National Express
coach to Birmingham at 6.21pm.
Today the trial judge at Woolwich crown court, Mr Justice Fulford,
asked Omar's barrister Peter Carter: "Is it accepted it is your client?' Mr
Carter replied: "Yes."But does he wax or shave?