Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Rhodes Scholar, No Less, Justifies Occupy Wall Street, Obama And A Whole Bunch Of Other Liberal Lies

Progressives, living off the taxpayer, are passing this video around as an explanation of economics, Wall Street and Obama's totally failed policies. It's overly long, as is Maddow's style (being the unbiased Rhodes Scholar that she is, but it is comedic gold.

Even though she has been caught in misstatements (lies) the left loves her teh too much! Even though she is a partisan hack who has way too much baggage to be taken seriously by any serious person she is loved by the left. What the hey, the left still loves Stalin. They got that going for them. Ahem...

Giannino Marchig (Trieste 1897 – Cologny, Ginevra 1983)

Giannino Marchig (Trieste 1897- Geneva 1983) made also lots of oil portraits 
and bigger watercolors landscapes, but during the thirties he dedicate most of his 
efforts to ancient paintings restauration and stop painting completely in the following years.

ObamaCare, Whores & Whiskey

Progressive One-Stop Shopping On Wall Street

The Democrat two step.

Step in and get Wall Street Fat Cat Crony Money.

Step out and slander Fat Cat Wall Street Cronies and get votes!

Zuccotti Park looks likes a Fannie Freddie housing project

Obama's State Of The Union