"Help! Help!The sky is falling!I have to go tell the king!" I find it humerous that an acorn was also the impetous in the original story. How apt.
· Rep. Rangel – “These people don’t care about our country.”
· Comm. Director Dan Pfeiffer – “…could potentially put us towards a depression because House Republicans…are unwilling to compromise.”
· Rep. Garamendi (D-CA) – “They basically want to terminate the American Dream.”
· Tom Friedman – “If sane Republicans do not stand up to this Hezbollah faction in their midst, the Tea Party will take the G.O.P. on a suicide mission.”
· Rep. Hoyer – “They want to shoot every bullet they have at the president.”
· Van Jones – “They want to repeal the 20th century. They want to smash down every American institution our grandparents fought for…”
· Joe Klein in Time – “Osama bin Laden, if he were still alive, could not have come up with a more clever strategy for strangling our nation.”
· Steve Rattner on MSNBC – “It’s a form of economic terrorism…These Tea Party guys are like strapped with dynamite standing in the middle of Times Square at rush hour saying either you do it my way or we’re going to blow you up, ourselves up, and the whole country with us.”
· William Yeomans at Politico – “they have now become full-blown terrorists. They have joined the villains of American history who have been sufficiently craven to inflict massive harm on innocent victims to achieve their political goals.”
· Martin Frost at Politico – “We now have a group of U.S. politicians seeking political purity, who seem to have much in common with the Taliban.”
· Rep. Schakowsky – “Republicans, stop fragging the American economy and the American people!”
· Margaret Carlson – “they’ve strapped explosives to the Capitol and they think they are immune from it.”
I'm sure that all of these saavy pols are hoping that they called the voters of the US "terrorists" of some such.