Children 'bad for planet'
When are burka babies going to be held to account? How about burrito bambinos?
What if I name him Heath or Peat instead of Pete. Will there be a name offset credit?
What horsehockey.
...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Monday, May 07, 2007
Trent Lott:No Time Lines in Iraq Except Republican Timelines

As the nation wearies of Liberal political games and non-support of the troops by setting timelines, Republicans stepped up their campaign to be more Liberal by playing political games and displaying non-support of the troops by setting timelines. BUT, they're going to delay an actual timeline on setting the timeline by four months. BUT not wanting to risk their political skins the Republicans want to signal their support for the troops by relaying their intentions now. Brilliant!
If the Republicans pursue this they are morons, absolute and complete. I have friends in DC that actually believe we lost the majorities because of Iraq and it never crosses their minds that we lost those majorities because of incompetence and corruption. In short, Iraq cost us, but what really cost us the majorities was that Republicans became Democrats.
GOP Senator: Patience on Iraq Is Limited
When will hairmut Lott learn to keep his mouth shut? He got slapped down once, but played the parliamentary game to get back in the leadership and now perceives himself to be a statesman.
Lott's brand of statesmanship makes Republicans look no better than the Democrats that undermine our troops, that cause good people in this country to lose faith and helps ensure a slaughter in Iraq's future and America's standing in the world to sink lower.
He says Republicans will wait 4 more months or until the fall. This backstabbing caricature didn't listen to Patreaus either, but attacks Democrats for failing to support freedom, national security and our troops.
These past 12 years have made me wonder where our Republican Party has gone.
FOUR months separates your sense of duty and right and wrong?
Geez Hillary, shut up.
If the Republicans pursue this they are morons, absolute and complete. I have friends in DC that actually believe we lost the majorities because of Iraq and it never crosses their minds that we lost those majorities because of incompetence and corruption. In short, Iraq cost us, but what really cost us the majorities was that Republicans became Democrats.
GOP Senator: Patience on Iraq Is Limited
WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott said Monday that
President Bush's new strategy in Iraq has until about fall before GOP members
will need to see results.
Lott's comment put a fine point on what Senate Republican stalwarts
have been discussing quietly for weeks. It also echoed remarks made this weekend by House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, indicating the GOP's limited patience on the war.
"I do think this fall we have to see some significant changes on the
ground, in Baghdad and other surrounding areas," Lott, R-Miss., told reporters.
Lott declined to say what he thinks should happen if Congress does not
see improvement in the security situation by then. But he said lawmakers have
time before they must decide.
When will hairmut Lott learn to keep his mouth shut? He got slapped down once, but played the parliamentary game to get back in the leadership and now perceives himself to be a statesman.
Lott's brand of statesmanship makes Republicans look no better than the Democrats that undermine our troops, that cause good people in this country to lose faith and helps ensure a slaughter in Iraq's future and America's standing in the world to sink lower.
He says Republicans will wait 4 more months or until the fall. This backstabbing caricature didn't listen to Patreaus either, but attacks Democrats for failing to support freedom, national security and our troops.
These past 12 years have made me wonder where our Republican Party has gone.
FOUR months separates your sense of duty and right and wrong?
Geez Hillary, shut up.
Ty Tied One On? No Way.

This guy should be on drugs, just not the ones he self-prescribes.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ty Pennington, host of ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," was arrested on a misdemeanor charge this weekend, documents show.
Pennington, 42, was booked on suspicion of being under the influence of
He was arrested shortly after 12:30 a.m. Saturday by the Los Angeles Police Department's West Traffic Division, according to inmate information posted on the county Sheriff's Department Web site.
Pennington was released two hours later after posting $5,000 bail and was due back in court June 4, according to the Web site.
Los Angeles police officials said Monday they had no further information
The False Grassroots of the Left
Antiwar Groups Use New Clout to Influence Democrats on Iraq
Americans Against Escalation in Iraq (AAEI) is supposedly the new kid in town, but is actually made up of the same old kids that have been around for quite a while.
Take a boat load of democrat operatives, mix in liberal and progressive players, unions and their stooges and we have a new stew of a “grass roots” effort otherwise know as astro turfing.
It is astro turfing in that there has been no nationwide emergence of a grass roots effort to abandon Iraq and Afghanistan. AAEI has grown from non-existence to its current size having allied groups in every state that are able to plan and schedule “protests” and events over night through the normal astro turfing processes of mixed media, including letters to the editor, e-mails, blog posts and various link backs (ex. Trackbacks), forums, and online petitions and mailers. This effort is also astro turfing because the “anti-war” groups have gained new “clout” by influencing their old bosses, friends and organizations as inside networkers and it can be done with no traditional trail thus exemplifying their “grassroots” appearance. I can only presume that there is more than Democrat and union money behind this effort because the participants are adamant that there is no Soros hiding behind the curtain.
All of this is an effort to magnify their message and give the appearance of being huge when in fact their effort is not. To hear Harry Reid, every single person except the lonely Bushs have written, called, e-mailed or visited him to beg him to hear the cry of the nation to save our troops by pulling out of Iraq now.
Below is 15 minutes of surfing to gather a small sampling of AAEI’s allies, partners and non-aligned groups supporting their efforts and some hyperlinks to participants and efforts. Go see how we are having our Internet ass handed to us. The only thing missing is the list of their media contacts carrying their water every day.
Americans Against Escalation in Iraq – The Umbrella Group
Tara McGuinness Dep Camp Mgr
Moira Mack Spokesman
Listed Members Tom Matzzie
Service Employees International Union
Win Without War Tom Andrews
Americans United for Change Brad Woodhouse
Center for American Progress Action Fund
Campus Progress Action
Iraq Action Camp
Campaign for America's Future
US Action
Working Assets Jon Soltz, Chairman and Co-Founder
Jeremy D. Broussard, Senior Advisor
Major General (ret.) Paul Eaton, board
Partners/Allies listed in the media
Organized Labor
National Security Network Rand Beers
National Priorities Project Local Partners National listing
Voice of America's 21 Century Patriots
True Majority
Maine People’s Alliance
Afghanistan Veterans in America
CO Progressive Action
WV Citizen Action Group
WV Patriots for Peace
Pennsylvania Action
Pennsylvanians Against Escalation in Iraq
Campaign for America’s Future
United States Student Association
New Hampshire Citizens Alliance for Action
Progressive States Network
Campus Progress
Progress Ohio
Long Island Progressive Coalition
Non-aligned Allied Groups
Code Pink Medea Benjaman
Projects of AAEI
Veteran Lobbying Days
Iraq veterans will be visiting members of Congress in their district offices in IL, IN, ME, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA, AZ, NM, CO, IA,FL, MO, WI, WV and TN to discuss the members votes on the Iraq supplemental.
13 Canvass Kick-offs
Later in the week, canvasses will kick-off in FL, NY, CA, GA, CO, MA, WI, PA, IL, WA, OR, ME, MN
Veteran Lobbying in District Offices Nationwide
Iraq veterans will be visiting members of Congress in their district offices in IL, IN, ME, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA, AZ, NM, CO, IA, FL, MO, WI, WV and TN to discuss the members' votes in the Iraq supplemental.
8 State-by-State “Readiness” Reports Released on National Guard
Reports on state readiness combined with press conferences will take place during the recess for already released reports on ME, PA, FL, VA check out: State reports and “readiness” events will be held in: IN, OR, MN, TN, NM, AZ, CO, NE.
UPDATE: The Democrat[ic] leadership is being lead by the nose by AAEI as they try to straddle the loudest mouth segment with the rank and file. Thank you Power Line News!
Democratic Gain is pimping for AAEI! How special.
Americans Against Escalation in Iraq (AAEI) is supposedly the new kid in town, but is actually made up of the same old kids that have been around for quite a while.
Take a boat load of democrat operatives, mix in liberal and progressive players, unions and their stooges and we have a new stew of a “grass roots” effort otherwise know as astro turfing.
It is astro turfing in that there has been no nationwide emergence of a grass roots effort to abandon Iraq and Afghanistan. AAEI has grown from non-existence to its current size having allied groups in every state that are able to plan and schedule “protests” and events over night through the normal astro turfing processes of mixed media, including letters to the editor, e-mails, blog posts and various link backs (ex. Trackbacks), forums, and online petitions and mailers. This effort is also astro turfing because the “anti-war” groups have gained new “clout” by influencing their old bosses, friends and organizations as inside networkers and it can be done with no traditional trail thus exemplifying their “grassroots” appearance. I can only presume that there is more than Democrat and union money behind this effort because the participants are adamant that there is no Soros hiding behind the curtain.
All of this is an effort to magnify their message and give the appearance of being huge when in fact their effort is not. To hear Harry Reid, every single person except the lonely Bushs have written, called, e-mailed or visited him to beg him to hear the cry of the nation to save our troops by pulling out of Iraq now.
Below is 15 minutes of surfing to gather a small sampling of AAEI’s allies, partners and non-aligned groups supporting their efforts and some hyperlinks to participants and efforts. Go see how we are having our Internet ass handed to us. The only thing missing is the list of their media contacts carrying their water every day.
Americans Against Escalation in Iraq – The Umbrella Group
Tara McGuinness Dep Camp Mgr
Moira Mack Spokesman
Listed Members Tom Matzzie
Service Employees International Union
Win Without War Tom Andrews
Americans United for Change Brad Woodhouse
Center for American Progress Action Fund
Campus Progress Action
Iraq Action Camp
Campaign for America's Future
US Action
Working Assets Jon Soltz, Chairman and Co-Founder
Jeremy D. Broussard, Senior Advisor
Major General (ret.) Paul Eaton, board
Partners/Allies listed in the media
Organized Labor
National Security Network Rand Beers
National Priorities Project Local Partners National listing
Voice of America's 21 Century Patriots
True Majority
Maine People’s Alliance
Afghanistan Veterans in America
CO Progressive Action
WV Citizen Action Group
WV Patriots for Peace
Pennsylvania Action
Pennsylvanians Against Escalation in Iraq
Campaign for America’s Future
United States Student Association
New Hampshire Citizens Alliance for Action
Progressive States Network
Campus Progress
Progress Ohio
Long Island Progressive Coalition
Non-aligned Allied Groups
Code Pink Medea Benjaman
Projects of AAEI
Veteran Lobbying Days
Iraq veterans will be visiting members of Congress in their district offices in IL, IN, ME, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA, AZ, NM, CO, IA,FL, MO, WI, WV and TN to discuss the members votes on the Iraq supplemental.
13 Canvass Kick-offs
Later in the week, canvasses will kick-off in FL, NY, CA, GA, CO, MA, WI, PA, IL, WA, OR, ME, MN
Veteran Lobbying in District Offices Nationwide
Iraq veterans will be visiting members of Congress in their district offices in IL, IN, ME, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, VA, AZ, NM, CO, IA, FL, MO, WI, WV and TN to discuss the members' votes in the Iraq supplemental.
8 State-by-State “Readiness” Reports Released on National Guard
Reports on state readiness combined with press conferences will take place during the recess for already released reports on ME, PA, FL, VA check out: State reports and “readiness” events will be held in: IN, OR, MN, TN, NM, AZ, CO, NE.
UPDATE: The Democrat[ic] leadership is being lead by the nose by AAEI as they try to straddle the loudest mouth segment with the rank and file. Thank you Power Line News!
Democratic Gain is pimping for AAEI! How special.
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