Stolen from Texas For Palin.
Hypocrisy is that old time liberal religion
Our liberal friends may suffer from PDS if they believe...
Ten tell-tale symptoms of Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS)

Our liberal friends may suffer from PDS if they believe...
- that crosshairs over congressional districts on a SarahPAC map incite violence, but crosshairs over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's face on a union goon's protest sign do not;
- that criticism of Obama's policies by Sarah Palin are "hate speech," but personal attacks on Gov. Palin by Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Media Matters are not;
- that a telephone scam by two Canadian deejays proves Sarah Palin is dumb, but TIME magazine is still smart, even though it reported a satirical piece about Sarah Palin attacking Christina Aguilera as real;
- that Sarah Palin is stupid, but Rachel Maddow is smart, even though the MSPDS hostfell for another satirical piece about Sarah Palin calling for the invasion of Egypt;
- that Joy Behar, who called Sarah Palin "dumb" is smart, even though "The View" panelist also said that "Black Friday" was a "racist" term;
- that Gov. Palin crossed the line by using the term blood libel, but use of the same term by Andrew Sullivan, Eugene Robinson and other "progressives" was within acceptable boundaries;
- that Sarah Palin supporters are ill-informed on key issues, but Obama supporters are well-informed on the same issues;
- that Sarah Palin really said she could see Russia from her house;
- that the same media which ignored the burning of the church Sarah Palin and her family attend is really concerned about civility;
- that "birthers" who question Barack Obama's place of birth are hateful lunatics, but "birfers" who question whether Trig Palin really is Sarah's son are tolerant, caring people in full control of their mental faculties.