...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Obama Turns Wine Into Water
ABC’s Sunlen Miller, Matt Jaffe, and John Berman Report: The rain pouring down, his jacket off, his white dress-shirt clinging to his body, Barack Obama played to a crowd in a state that hasn’t elected a Democrat since 1964.
And not long after Joe Biden’s introduction, just minutes after Obama started speaking, the rain started falling again.
"I know some of you got a little damp," Obama told the audience gathered in the school quad. "I’d like to cover everybody’s dry cleaning bill here tonight, but I can’t because I got to use it on the campaign, so consider it one more modest contribution to our efforts to change the country."
Well, with his work with Rezko and ACORN and Saul Alinsky I think the Obama has made enough "modest contributions" to change the country. A $700 Billion change tab in Congress is quite enough change. If the Obama fails as a presidential candidate, he could always continue his career path as a failed community worker in housing.
Rejected By Hero's Family, Obama Ignores Them For Political Gain
Jopek: She has turned down any subsequent interviews with the media because she just didn't want it to get turned into something that it wasn't. She had told me in an email that she had asked, actually asked Mr. Obama to not wear the bracelet any more at any of his public appearances. Which I don't think he's...
Soldier's Mother "Ecstatic" about Obama's Bracelet
The mother of a Wisconsin soldier who died in Iraq says she was "ecstatic" during Friday's debate when Senator Barack Obama mentioned the bracelet she gave him in honor of her son.
Tracy Jopek of Merrill told The Associated Press on Sunday she was honored that he remembered Sgt. Ryan David Jopek, who was killed in 2006 by a roadside bomb.
She criticized Internet reports that suggested Obama exploited her son for political purposes.
She acknowledges e-mailing the campaign in February asking that Obama not mention her son in speeches or debates.
But she says Obama's mention on Friday was appropriate because he was responding after Senator John McCain said a soldier's mother gave him a bracelet.
Jopek says Obama's comment rightfully suggested there's more than one viewpoint on the war
In other words, she's about as stable as Cindy Sheehan which about wraps up the left and the War on Terror.
Bailout - Give Away- Appears In Doubt
It appears she only has about 130 votes. Poor Nana.

How many of the respondents are terrorists or supporters of terrorism against freedom? The poll does its normal exaggeration by claiming 60% of Egyptians support al Qaeda when actually only 60% of those responding support the murdering losers. Next, the BBC poll says that only 18% of the population of Pakistan have an unfavorable opinion of al Qeada, but does that mean 81% support al Qaeda? Both countries, Egypt and Pakistan have a large physical and financial presence in al Qaeda, but that doesn't seem to taken into account by the BBC 'defense analyst'.
Traditionally, news outlets will not honestly parse their own polls nor will other news agencies because each paid for this 'news' so why undercut each other. Brothers and all.
Currently, people are questioning these 'polls' which is a part of the explanation of why large swaths of society consider news outlets like the BBC a joke. Parliament obviously is beyond the chuckle stage and is embarrassed and angry about the sophomoric antics of the subsidized hyper-partisans posing a 'reporters' and 'analysts' at the BBC. As they should.
Dear Congress, Let The Market Work
If Washington was put in charge of deserts there'd be a sand shortage in no time. Except for the Party favorites, they'd have a beach party to moan about the plight of others.