Monday, September 29, 2008

The Obama Turns Wine Into Water

Raining on Obama and Biden's Parade

ABC’s Sunlen Miller, Matt Jaffe, and John Berman Report: The rain pouring down, his jacket off, his white dress-shirt clinging to his body, Barack Obama played to a crowd in a state that hasn’t elected a Democrat since 1964.

And not long after Joe Biden’s introduction, just minutes after Obama started speaking, the rain started falling again.

"I know some of you got a little damp," Obama told the audience gathered in the school quad. "I’d like to cover everybody’s dry cleaning bill here tonight, but I can’t because I got to use it on the campaign, so consider it one more modest contribution to our efforts to change the country."

Well, with his work with Rezko and ACORN and Saul Alinsky I think the Obama has made enough "modest contributions" to change the country. A $700 Billion change tab in Congress is quite enough change. If the Obama fails as a presidential candidate, he could always continue his career path as a failed community worker in housing.