Proposed for Queens above/Bronx blight below (1960s)

...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
I hope he's OK too, but .. Recommended by:
BenGoshi, Predator Saint, Geekesque, Flywheel
.. I cannot help thinking of all the injury and death he will cause
by whittling away at abortion rights. I think he's probably an
honorable man, with skill and integrity, but his misguided values and basic
beliefs will cause a lot of suffering that he will never see and probably never
think about.
by Nab on Mon Jul
30, 2007 at 12:29:08 PM PDT
(emp. mine)
I personally don't hope he's okHe must be a Do Gooder Lawyer. He sounds like one.
Recommended by:
want new Supreme Court justices instead of Roberts, Alito & Scalia (Thomas
can stay as the one actual consistent conservative) and I will take them any way
I can get them. granted, I'm assuming that none of Bush's nominees would
be able to get through, and that we'd have 8 justices until a centrist Dem
justice could get confirmed after the election. If it makes anyone feel
better, I'm not rooting for death, simply incapacitation to the point that they
must resign their posts. It's not my fault those are the only two ways for
justices to leave (other than resignation, which will never
Currently undecided between Edwards, Obama & Richardson
by DoGooderLawyer on Mon Jul
30, 2007 at 12:53:03 PM PDT
kaygore (1000+ posts)
Jul-30-07 04:05 PMResponse to Reply
20. Better prayer.
Dear God,Please release Satan's hand-maiden, John Roberts, from his worldly cares and allow him to join once again with the Prince of Darkness in the lowest reaches of Hell.We pray this in the name of your son, our lord, Jesus.Amen.
NoodleyAppendage (1000+ posts)
Jul-30-07 03:59 PMResponse to Original
14. See. That's what happens when you attempt to goose step down the stairs.
Neocon, pro-fascist horseplay is inherently dangerous.J
Aug. 6, 2007 issue - If you haven't noticed, the major presidential
candidates—Republican and Democratic—are dodging one of the thorniest problems they'd face if elected: the huge budget costs of aging baby boomers.
By 2030, their share could hit 75 percent of the present budget,
projects the Congressional Budget Office. The result: a political
As an antidote to this timidity, I propose that some public-spirited
sugar daddy (the MacArthur Foundation? Warren Buffett?) sponsor a short book. A
possible title: "Facing Up to an Aging America." Six leading think tanks would
be invited to participate: three liberal—the Brookings Institution, the Center
on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Urban Institute—and three
conservative—the American Enterprise Institute, the Cato Institute and the
Heritage Foundation.
This approach would force think tanks to compete.