...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Robin Hood Question
Stealing from the government to give to the poor
Stealing from the rich to give to the poor
When the government became the briber?
Sen. Reid's Fine Leadership
April 27, 2007
Sen. Reid's Fine Leadership
The Senate Democratic Caucus sent a letter to the Washington Post to
contest the attack on Senator Harry Reid's Leadership by David S. Broder in his
April 26 column, "The Democrat's Gonzalez."
The letter was signed by Sen. Reid's 50 colleagues in the caucus:
Sen. Reid's Fine Leadership
Washington Post
Letter to the Editor
Friday, April 27, 2007; A22
We, the members of the Senate Democratic Caucus, contest the attack on
Sen. Harry Reid's leadership by David S. Broder in his April 26 column, "The
Democrats' Gonzales."
In contrast to Mr. Broder's insinuations, we believe Mr. Reid is an
extraordinary leader who has effectively guided the new Democratic majority
through these first few months with skill and aplomb.
The Democratic caucus is diverse, and Mr. Reid has worked tirelessly to
make sure that the views of each member are heard and represented. No one
ideology dominates the caucus, so that a consensus can be reached and unity
achieved. It is hard to imagine a better model for leadership.
Because Mr. Reid has the support of members of the caucus, is a good
listener and has an amazing ability to synthesize views and bring people
together, the Senate has accomplished a great deal during his time as majority
leader. Armed with his years of service in the Senate and with a mastery of
procedure, Mr. Reid has led the chamber with a slim majority and a minority that
is, at times, determined to stop legislation with which it disagrees.
In the first 100 days alone, we made great strides under his leadership
on long-neglected legislation concerning stem cell research, the Sept. 11
commission's recommendations and the minimum wage, to name three. In addition, under Mr. Reid's leadership, we have fulfilled our obligation, left uncompleted by last year's Republican-led Senate, to fund the federal government. He has accomplished all of this in the face of stiff opposition and with a commitment to giving ideas full opportunity for debate.
Finally, in this age of scripted politicians speaking only to their
base or claiming that they "don't recall" anything, the fact that Mr. Reid
speaks his mind should be applauded, not derided. His brand of straight talk is
honest, comes from the heart and speaks directly to the people.
What has Harry Reid's straight talking directly to the people brought us?
19 pieces of new law, of which 10 rename things, 1 changes the House Page Board makeup, 1 new arterial road and 7 pieces of legislative genius that tweaks things.
No wonder Harry Reid has so much time to insult the President, Vice President and everyone else, including our troops, because he, Harry Reid, is a legislative mover and shaker. A genius if you will. In fact, a "master of procedure" as the DemocratIC Caucus calls him.A bill to redesignate the White Rocks National Recreation Area in the State
of Vermont as the "Robert T. Stafford White Rocks National Recreation Area"
To designate the Federal building located at 400 Maryland Avenue Southwest in the District of Columbia as the 'Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building'.
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 3903 South Congress Avenue in Austin, Texas, as the "Sergeant Henry Ybarra III Post Office Building".
To designate the United States courthouse at South Federal Place in Santa Fe, New
Mexico, as the "Santiago E. Campos United States Courthouse".
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2633 11th
Street in Rock Island, Illinois, as the "Lane Evans Post Office Building".
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 16150 Aviation Loop Drive in Brooksville, Florida, as the "Sergeant Lea Robert Mills Brooksville Aviation Branch Post Office".
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1700 Main Street in Little Rock, Arkansas, as the "Scipio A. Jones Post Office Building".
To designate the United States courthouse located at 555 Independence Street in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as the "Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr. United States
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 152 North 5th Street in Laramie, Wyoming, as the "Gale W. McGee Post Office".
To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1300 North Frontage Road West in Vail, Colorado, as the "Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Post Office Building".
To revise the composition of the House of Representatives Page Board to equalize
the number of members representing the majority and minority parties and to
include a member representing the parents of pages and a member representing
former pages, and for other purposes.
To provide for the construction, operation, and maintenance of an arterial road in St. Louis County, Missouri.
Make further continuing appropriations.Anew effective date for the applicability of certain provisions of law to
Public Law 105-331.An act to provide for an additional temporary extension of programs under the
Small Business Act and the Small business Investment Act of 1958 through July
31, 2007, and for other purposes.To amend the Antitrust Modernization Commission Act of 2002, to extend the
term of the Antitrust Modernization Commission and to make a technical
correction.To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide waivers relating to grants
for preventive health measures with respect to breast and cervical cancers.A bill to endorse further enlargement of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) and to facilitate the timely admission of new members to
NATO, and for other purposes.A bill to amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to reinstate certain
provisions relating to the nutrition services incentive program.
Harry's first 100 days has altered legislative history. The Republic is agog at his leadership. The world sits in awe of his acumen.
But the troops have nothing.
Fine show by the embarrassment from Nevada.
Gollum lost his glasses

Reid: Master broke his promise!
Sméagol: Don’t ask Sméagol. Poor, poor Sméagol.
Reid: Master betrayed us! Wicked, tricksy, false! We ought to wring his filthy little neck! Kill him! Kill him! Kill them both. And then we take the Preciousss and we be the master.
Sméagol: But the fat hobbit. He knows. Eyes always watching.
Reid: Then we stabs them out. Put out his eyses. And make him crawl.
Sméagol: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Reid: Kill them both.
Sméagol: Yes! No. No. It’s too risky, it’s too risky.
Reid: We could let 'Her' do it.
Sméagol: Yes. She could do it.
Reid: Yes, Precious, She could. And then we takes it once they’re dead.
Sméagol: Once they’re dead. Hush!
[He comes out from behind the trees, and appears in front of Bush and Cheney.]
Come on, hobbits. Long ways to go yet. Sméagol will show you the way.
Reid: Follow me. All is lost. Lost it is. Lose is what we do. Us be master.
Global Warming, SBDs and You
New law sounds full of hot air
BARMY Euro MPs are demanding new laws to stop cows and sheep PARPING.
Their call came after the UN said livestock emissions were a bigger
threat to the planet than transport.
The MEPs have asked the European Commission to “look again at the livestock question in direct connection with global warming”.
The official EU declaration demands changes to animals’ diets, to
capture gas emissions and recycle manure.
The inconvenient truth about Elsie.
DNC Press Secretary, Please Note on Your Resume
Success should be measurable, i.e., volume of reporting, favorable Op-Ed pieces and the width and depth of support. Always make sure designated staff members, not volunteers, are availible 24/7 (if possible) to answer questions, offer additional information and just be friendly. Remember, just being there means a lot to reporters on a deadline and many times will just write what you have offered as their own copy. THIS IS A GOOD THING!
Tehran: 23:17 , 2007/04/27 Print version Email this to a friend
Tehran Times Opinion Column, April 28, By Alireza Davari
Vietnam flashback
TEHRAN, April 27 (MNA) -- The U.S. Senate recently passed a bill according to which U.S. military forces would have to leave Iraq by March 2008. However, President George W. Bush has repeatedly stated that he would veto the bill. But it appears likely the U.S. will be forced to leave Iraq in a far more humiliating way than the Soviet Union left Afghanistan.
This would be a major defeat for the United States almost as bad as the Vietnam debacle.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have cited the increasing unrest in Iraq as the main reason why U.S. forces should be withdrawn from the country.
The Democrats in Congress believe that stability can only
be established in Iraq through a political solution, although such views seem
overly optimistic, like the White House’s claim four years ago that U.S. troops
would be welcomed as liberators. However, U.S. citizens are worried about the
White House’s mismanagement of the war since it has become evident that
maintaining stability in Iraq is almost impossible.
Many U.S. officials have even admitted that the implementation of Bush’s ambitious policies in Iraq over the past four years has been a miserable failure. Iraq has become a smoldering ruin while Bush is trying to prevent a total collapse by calling for the deployment of even more troops to the region.
Yet, after a meeting with Bush, Reid told journalists that the United States had lost the war and that a troop surge would not help. He went on to say that success in
Iraq would only be possible through political and economic means, not war and
Yet even this relatively honest senator did not tell the whole truth about how much the Iraqi people have suffered over the past four years of occupation.
On the other hand, the fact that the U.S. media occasionally mentions the terrible conditions the Iraqi people are experiencing indicates that U.S. citizens are apprehensively following the Iraq story.
U.S.-style democracy seems to mean only endless pain for
Iraqis. The violence that came with the occupation claims the lives of about 100
Iraqis every day, on average. Two out of three Iraqis do not have permanent
access to clean drinking water. Hundreds of thousands of children suffer from
malnutrition and many of them are dying from preventable diseases. The health
system is falling apart.
So far, four million Iraqis, or in other words, one out of every seven citizens, have felt compelled to leave their homes. Should the current trend continue, the tide of refugees will turn into a regional tsunami with significant political consequences, which, of course, would not be in the best interests of the U.S.
Despite all these problems, the Bush administration refuses to acknowledge the terrible humanitarian disaster brought on by their mistake and is pretending that they can handle all the problems in Iraq. However, the reality tells a different
Half of the displaced Iraqis have fled the country. Jordan,
with a population of six million, now hosts 750,000 Iraqi refugees, and Syria,
with a population of 19 million, hosts 1.2 million refugees. Jordan has
officially declared that it will no longer allow Iraqi men between the ages of
17 and 35 to enter the country. According to the New York Times, Kuwait has
completely shut its borders to Iraqi citizens. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is
building a border barrier costing $7 billion to prevent Iraqis from entering the
country. The U.S., which is the main cause of all this misery, has accepted only
500 Iraqis, mostly just the educated asylum-seekers.
The Bush administration has lost more than the military battle because the consequences of the U.S. occupation are far-reaching.
Bush and his warmonger supporters have failed to realize that establishing stability in Iraq requires political strategies, not military ones. The new plan to increase troop levels in Iraq has met much opposition so far while there has been a rise in suicide bombings and other violence since the U.S. implemented the new Baghdad Security Operation, which is a joint effort by U.S. and Iraqi
Indeed, the recent assessment of the first months of the ongoing Baghdad Security Operation by high-ranking U.S. military officials like Peter Petraeus and William J. Fallon is vague.
It should be noted that U.S. casualties in Baghdad have increased by 21 percent since the Baghdad Security Operation was launched on February 14.
U.S. officials claim that the decline in violence in certain areas of Iraq, particularly
Baghdad, is due to the new U.S. military strategy, but the real reason is that
certain groups have chosen to take a hiatus.
As Bush and other U.S. officials are calling for a troop surge and constantly defend their new Iraq strategy, the Democrats are trying to find appropriate ways to limit Bush’s power.
Democrats in the U.S. Congress have also said that they will vote against Bush’s bill requesting an additional $93 billion for the military. This would undermine the plan to deploy another 21,500 troops to Iraq.
From a wider perspective, the miserable conditions in Iraq
and the dispute among White House official show that the U.S. will soon find
itself forced to withdraw from Iraq, just like the Soviet Union was forced to
withdraw from Afghanistan.
Thus, U.S. officials should draw up a timetable for withdrawing their forces, as Democrats in Congress are demanding, in order to end this war, which is becoming increasingly unpopular in the United States.
Remember, every vote counts. A great communications staff will always expand our base and effect a win! After all, victory is always our goal.
h/t Gateway Pundit
Support The Veto
tell them what you think of the Defeatocrats latest attempt to undermine this country. Support the veto.