What part of representative government does Obama and Congress not understand? America wants health care reform, but not this government take over of our lives and our economy.
President Obama to Say Democrats Will Use Reconciliation to Pass Senate Health Care Reform Fix, If Not Given Up or Down Vote
Pelosi is safe in her district unless she's caught in bed with a little girl that refused an abortion, but Punch Happy Harry Reid is probably gone next election so what does he have to lose. The rest of the liberal lemmings appear to not care either, especially since they've been ordered not to worry about reelection.
Some, no doubt, will call it leadership to put in place legislation that is probably unconstitutional and also unwanted by the electorate, but I call it a power grab by those that would spit in the face of the American dream.
So, Obama says "Nuk'em".
...Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed... Patrick Henry (1736-1799) US Founding Father
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
It's Time For A Pot Party

Yep, PPUSA. Our logo will be various snacks and munchies that are made from green products.
Collectively we will work with government, stumble by stumble, to make this country totally awesome. So awesome that all those bad people will want to just come here to talk and chill. That's awesome by itself. Right? Talk about really cool grass roots. BTW, no coffee or tea stuff to mire the buzz, RC Cola or anything Big Gulp is cool.
Free pot for everybody. In fact, to drive the necessity of chill home, anybody not caught stoned will pay a fine equal to the current subsidized cost of a 1/4 lb of Jamaican.
And then we'll all watch free rad movies on our gigantical TVs with zombies and dynamite Napoleans all day while having 10 babes giving us food and beer. Oh, yeah, we can switch places with the babes next time so that'll be cool.
Tomorrow we can like go to the zoo and let the animals free because all things are beautiful. Maybe a zebra or something will follow us home. Oh wow, maybe a gila monster or one of those snipe things. That's be cool.
Check out the stars. It's far out to lay on your back and try to stare at just one and then realize all those stars could just be molecules that make up part of a thumbnail on a gigillion big person who's like thinking the exact thing. Whoa. Don't start that when you get to the end of all the universes what's on the other side thing. Bummer.
Everything will be like so totally copacetic and every person will get to choose what they do best or be cool at or whatever so there will be no more strife type war or anything. Man, people will be beautiful and happy and not have that bush or shrub thing bringing down their day.
I am stoked.
Vote Pot Party. I'm a PPUSA type of dude or dudette.
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