Joel Meyerowitz - Bio - He was born in 1938 in New York City and graduated from Ohio State in 1959 with a degree in painting and medical illustration. He began photographing in 1962. He follows a street style photography describing his influences as from Cartier-Bresson and Robert Frank, yet he uses a large-format 8x10 camera. He shot with the equipment (thus styling) of landscape photographers, yet with street, intimate subjects. He was instrumental, along with Eggleston, in promoting the acceptance of color photography in the art community. He has a masterful control of color, and has published many books of his prints. Included in these is his first book 'Cape Light' that is considered a classic on the subject matter. Notably among his recent work is his images documenting the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. He was the singular photographer granted unrestricted access to the area surrounding ground zero immediately after the attack.