Certain esteemed members of opinion makers are make quite the hue and cry for wind power generation. That means wind power generation sites.
For over $900 million in subsidies, chump change to Obamanites, we get heavily subsidized electricity from wind. Less than 13% of our need and only in targeted areas.
People here in Ohio are hueing and crying for Strickland to do something, in fact anything not embarrassing, and have hued and cried for wind power above the 25% clean energy bill. That's 25% too much.
Generation sites that destroy the land around them, drive off wildlife and create widespread maintinence areas and roads. Forty-story wind turbines. Fan-blade shadow flicker. Red strobe lights in the night sky instead of stars. As an added bonus wind power generation sites create a constant low resonance hum that makes people crazy. We've got enough crazies.
How about the guv save a lot of jobs here in Ohio, say with clean coal or natural gas or, let's go out on a limb here, oil? How about some safe, quiet and nonpolluting nuclear power?
h/t Maine