Friday, February 12, 2010

The Elite Want The NAMES of Bloggers And Commenters

As part of the Soros Davos Economic Forum a personage who lists himself as chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft, Craig Mundie, wants the identities of all Internet users to be public information, especially to governments. Hey, Mundie, learned a bit in China didn't you. Maybe all that censorship and arrests of dissidents were just part of your business plan. I have to ask though, did the plan include salves for the wounds, food for the starving or a plan to get out? I mean a plan to get the dissidents out of jail not for Microsoft to exit China. That doesn't seem to fit your plan for the largest imprisoned market in the world, eh?

Control freaks want web licences to end bloggers' anonymity – be very afraid

If there is ever a one world government, Microsoft will be the sole source provider for security against those that want to be free.

Publius would be the first arrested.