Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bloated Federal Bureaucracy Getting Fatter At Taxpayer Expense

Obama and crew are creating more liberal voters one job at a time at an average clip of $75,419 per vote. Maybe that is what the trillions and trillions of dollars are really needed for.

It's A Good Time To Work For Uncle Sam
At a time when the official unemployment rate is nearing double digits, and 6.35 million people are receiving unemployment benefits, the U.S. government is on a hiring binge.

Executive branch employment — 1.98 million in 2009, excluding the Postal Service and the Defense Department — is set to increase by 15.6 percent for the 2010 fiscal year. Most of that is thanks to the Census Bureau hiring 102,000 temporary workers, but not counting them still yields a net increase of 2 percent in one year.

There's little belt-tightening in evidence in Washington, D.C.: Counting benefits, the average pay per federal worker will leap from $72,800 in 2008 to $75,419 next year.

But on the bright side, ACORN will be getting their voter fraud bonuses, so one can't say that Obama doesn't take care of his friends and former peer workers.

Most of that is thanks to the Census Bureau hiring 102,000 temporary workers, but not counting them still yields a net increase of 2 percent in one year.

Back on the dark side, taxpayers will have to foot the bill for all of this nonsense.