Nana Pelosi, always out to tell other people what they can and can't do, has solved our government crisis. No, not the government induced economic crisis currently being made worse by their Stimulus Plan. No, not the current crisis concerning our lack of resolve as madmen develop nuclear weapons in Asia and the Middle East. No, not the crisis of over regulation and taxation.
This one is really, really, really really, really important.
U.S. House of Representatives Passes Captive Primate Safety Act
Banks are relieved. Consumers are flocking back into the stores. Markets are trembling at the rapidity with which Pelosi, Obama, Reid have solved this national crisis. Last, but not least, Abedinejad and Korea's Mini Me are sighing themselves to sleep with relief because they finally see that the US finally has leaders who care.
As for Vitter helping Boxer push this waste of time in the Senate, I can only say, "Madam, I don't know."