Friday, January 30, 2009

MSNBC's Morris Reid: Buckwheat, Alfalfa & Obama

Buckwheat, Alfalfa and Obama.

In a stunning display of stupidity and bias MSNBC aired this piece from three morons.

O'DONNELL: Well, I want to play what she said yesterday. Because she did talk to reporters for about eight minutes. Specifically, it's the second sound bite we have here and it is about this dinner. Because she was asked if, in fact, she was heading to this dinner. And the reason it's interesting is because her staff denied to reporters, like myself, that she was actually going to this dinner. And then, she came out and revealed it. Listen to what she had to say about why she wanted to come here to Washington for this dinner.

PALIN: Alfalfa dinner, yes. In fact, that's because President Obama is scheduled to be there. And how often will I have an opportunity to have dinner with the president. I will take up that offer to do so, yeah.

O'DONNELL: Morris, didn't she call him a terrorist on the campaign trail?

MORRIS REID: Well, I think she called him a terrorist among other things. But listen, the woman's hungry. She's got to eat, Norah. We got to feed the woman, don't we.


REID: You know, she lives in public housing, we got to feed her on the public doll. She got a bridge to nowhere. We love Sarah Palin on the Democratic side. We can't get enough of her.

FEEHREY: You know, Norah, there's nothing like having dinner with 2,000 of your closest friends and the president. So it's going to be a small intimate dinner.

O'DONNELL: However, it is not 2,000 people.

REID: I think -- I don't think she knew -- I think she -- Norah, I think she thought it was just her, and Buckwheat, and Alfalfa, with the president at dinner. She's just clueless, it's ridiculous.

O'DONNELL: Well, she is meeting also with a number of senators, including the Republican leader in the Senate Mitch McConnell, as well as, I think, some -- Senator Snow, there's going to be a private dinner for her at Fred Malik's house. So she is doing a little bit of courting. Many people think that could mean she's gearing up for 2012.

Morris Reid, John Feehery, great to talk to both of you. Thanks so much.

Now, NoraO'Donnell has never been described as the sharpest tool in the shed, but she has to be the only person in DC that didn''t know that Palin was going to the Alfalfa Dinner. That she, Reid and what'shisname got a good chuckle repeating lies about Gov Palin is only indicative of just how brown their noses are. I'd recommend to them that in polite company that they use a Depends as a face mask so as not to offend anyone more than they already do.

Buckwheat, Alfalfa and Obama indeed. A real howler.

Thanks to Gateway Pundit for the h/t