I have been on a whirlwind family Christmas tour of Long Island, Manhattan, Connecticut and other places while being in contact with family in Maine, North Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire, Arizona, California, West Virginia and Ohio.
I have been stuffed with love and food. Christmas Eve once again found us having seven fish from the seven seas for good luck and Christmas throughout seven courses with a mere 27 family members.
Tomorrow we are blessed to celebrate my father-in-law's 75 birthday. In planning we spent the evening tonight looking at 75 years of memories stretching from Vasto, Italy to the Bronx to Long Island spanning untold generations and memories.
I am a lucky man for so many reasons and I have not had the chance to thank so many of you for your good thoughts and good feelings. I have been remiss in this and I do apologize.
Merry Christmas to all of you because the season lives on in our hearts beyond these few days.
For that we are truly blessed.