Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Is Obama Afraid Of? It's Our Election And We Want To Know.

Obama is afraid. He hides behind his puppet masters who tell his handler, Axlerod, what Obama is to say. The Democrats are terrified to let this leftist rookie out of their grasp because he can't stand the heat. He can't think on his feet.

McCain continuously asks Obama to face voters in town hall meetings with him to address voter concerns. Obama is afraid to.

Obama speaks in platitudes. He puts out lies, distortions, and feel good vagaries through ads on television, radio, in the print media and on the Internet, but he won't be placed in a position where he is challenged and has to detail the promises he is making to the voters.

Obama operatives protest at McCain/Palin events daily which causes the crowds to chant 'USA' and other patriotic chants and McCain once again asks Obama to name a place and time where they can stand together on stage and speak, listen and answer to the crowds. Obama won't do it.

Obama sends out his clowns like Hollis French to "investigate" Palin while French lies on his own resume about being a marine when he's simply a fake soldier, but French has the gall to cast doubt on Palin's words and actions.

All across the board surrogates for Obama, be they paid operatives, volunteers or lackeys like the media, to smear McCain and Palin with false stories, protests and trumped up charges.

This all speaks to me of a candidate who is scared of something. He's obviously afraid of losing in November, but what is it he is afraid will be found out about him.