Greenburg was hired to do a cover shot of John McCain for Atlantic Magazine. She lied to McCain, his staff and the magazine about what she was doing during the shoot and then she lied again by not leaving all of the images with the client who had purchased them, Atlantic Monthly. After stealing from the magazine she took the photos back to her studio and manipulated them to falsely portray McCain as something he is not for political purposes.
Greenburg is a liberal who hates those with whom she disagrees. She is also a Canadian who is tainting an American political campaign.
Greenburg has removed the photos from her website without any explanation. That is indicative of her integrity. She has none. She is a manipulative hack who now has a portfolio of questionable images that are tainted with dishonesty by her and disbelief by viewers.
This is the same manipulator who made children cry for another anti-Republican piece. Make no mistake, she is not an artist nor is she an honest photographer, she is a liar with a camera. She is also little else.