Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What Price Sympathy?

Ireland has been at war forever. Vietnam, aka Annan, has been a badminton set for China since before the birth of Christ. Russian hearts only see darkness because the Russian heart only desires darkness.

Africa. Africa is setting itself up to continue to be the sob story for the next many centuries. Is this because they were victims of slavery in Rome, the world and the southern states of America or because they captured and sold thier own brothers as slaves to Europeans to sell to the world that they will continue to slaughter, rape and rob their way into the next millennium?

Vietnam now has graveyards aplenty and a communist government constantly building more out of necessity of its own actions. Ireland has finally found Kennedy money is too dirty even for them. Its sad when a group of filthy little socialists bent on murder feel they are better than a family of rum running whore mongers.

Africa. Darfur. Congo. Rhodesia. Libya. Mau-Mau. The washing of the spears.

As long as I have been alive I have heard of the dark heart of Africa. A heart that loves hate. I have hunted in Kenya and the then country of Rhodesia. I especially treasure my time at Nairobi Ranch with my aunt and friends. Of African friends I only hope for their good.

Other than them, I just can't care anymore. That is bad, but when does a continent's badness become part of one's nightly prayers.

At what point does hope become sadness when those you hope to help refuse help?

Africa is more of a mess than Asia which is almost as much a mess as the Russias which makes Latin America almost appear sensible.

That which has been called the cradle of life appears the crib of death.

I am just plain out of sympathy for those that refuse to rise out of their sewer. The Iraqis and Afghans have risen above their prior leadership of arrogance and planned sectarian hatred to attempt freedom.

When will Africa?