Thursday, November 08, 2007

Like Ron Paul, Hillary Has The Foreign Vote

Maybe Hillary is just Ron Paul in drag. Well, outsiders sure seem to love them.

WJC: She's big in Canada, Europe
The Clinton campaign puts a lot of faith in polls, but Bill Clinton, in the first of two stops in Western Iowa today, cited one I hadn't seen before:
A survey showing that Hillary is the front-runner among Democrats and Republicans ... in Canada, Britain and Italy.

"In every country, without question, if you take out the undecided,
she had the absolute majority," Clinton said. "They like her, they respect

(You do have to figure there's a name recognition factor here.)

"America's not going to get a honeymoon here," Clinton said, and
the next president will have to move fast to repair relations with the rest of
the world. "She would be the best to do that."

"repair relations"? Hey Billy, you mean like in France, Germany and England? Maybe Bosnia? Oh you mean with Lil'Putin's mini USSR and Communist China.

Yeah, Billy, you hop right on that.